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theme over-writing page settings

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  • #493554


    HI Support

    I’ve added some Icon Boxes to the top of this page to highlight some of the unique capabailities of our custom products – https://www.woodworkersuk.co.uk/wooden-gates/wooden-driveway-gates/

    The Elementor settings has the “Delivery throughout the UK” etc at the top of the pages set to Green & the font is smaller. But the theme is somehow forcing the colour to a Red & making the font larger.

    But I’m at a loss to see where this theme setting is at?

    Can you please advise?




    This is a Header Top bar in red color. Go to Woodmart > Header builder > edit Top bar and change the background color and check the element that you are using in the header builder and configure the font size.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.




    it’s not the Header Top Bar that is causing this problem. there is nothgin in the Header bar as I’ve checked to cause this interference.

    This is just a simple 4-column section with an icon box widget in each section.

    If I move the section down to the middle of the page the same thing happens.

    On this site we do the same concept on product pages & they work fine.

    For example – https://www.woodworkersuk.co.uk/field-gate-double-strap-bottom-hinges/

    see how the 4 icon boxes are sitting above the breadcrumbs!

    This design is layed-out in the single product design I created for all products in the Layout section.

    the theme does not Over-right the design in Elementor for products.

    So where is the over-writing happening in the theme for Pages?




    Actually on some further testing,

    If I create a page from scratch, then there is no over-writing of the formatting
    i.e. – https://www.woodworkersuk.co.uk/nick-test-for-icon-box-colours/

    you can see the icon boxes are clearly displayed in Green & the font is the size I designed it at

    But If I add the same widgets to any of the existing pages I get the following

    you can see the widgets have all been turned to Red & increased in size. “Delivery throughout the UK etc”

    I cant see any CSS on the Page, Sections, Columns or Widgets that could be causing this.

    Do you have any ideas on where to look?




    On further investigation this problem is also happening on some headings.

    We have the secondary colour set to Red in Theme Settings->Styles & Colours.

    I note this setting has the note “Color for page builder elements options where “Secondary color” was chosen.”

    If we are using Elementor, then where is Secondary Colour Chosen?

    I want Elementor to drive the colours here. And with in mind, I have Elementor->Settings – Disable Colours option turned off.

    can someone please explain what is going amiss here?



    Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more detail. Attach some screenshots and provide us with a list of steps on how to reproduce them on your website.

    Also share the wp logins details of your site i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    I ended up sorting this out. Not exactly sure why the problem was occuring, but if I found a work-around



    You are Most Welcome.

    We are glad that you managed to solve the problem yourself. You are Great!!!

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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