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Theme Settings reset after update to 6.2.1

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    2 days ago, I successfully updated Woodmart do 6.2.0 (manually) and eveything was working fine. Today, I udpdated to 6.2.1 and lost all my theme settings – everything is back to default. Also, all custom CSS is missing.

    I have 2 backups – one full backup made with Softacolous before the update and a full system backup (directory + db) made manually. I tried restoring to them, but I am still missing the theme settings and custom CSS, even though the backup restore was successfull (I am seeing version 6.2.0 and everything)…

    No idea what to do now…


    Artem Temos


    There was a bug in our 6.2 updates. Please, restore backup before the 6.2 updates and update directly to the latest 6.2.1 version.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Kind Regards



    I only have 6.2.0 backups :/ – I usually delete all older backups if I see that everything is working fine with the latest and that was indeed the case with 6.2.0 – the update went fine. It was 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 that lost the settings 🙁

    Where are the Theme Settings and Custom CSS stored in the DB?
    I have no idea why they are not showing after a full backup restore… after all, I am restoring all files and DB entries exactly as they were…


    Artem Temos

    It was lost after update 6.1.5 -> 6.2 not after 6.2 -> 6.2.1. That is why your backup doesn’t fix the problem. You need to find an earlier backup.



    But 6.1.5 -> 6.2 was working fine for me? The past 2 days I’ve been creating new content without an issue on 6.2 and all my settings were there. Today, I updated from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 and lost all the settings…


    Artem Temos

    Theme Settings reset bug was not right after update but when you visited the new dummy content interface on WoodMart 6.2.



    Well, I never visited this section after the 6.2.0 update or 6.2.1, because I had no need to. I lost my settings immediately after 6.2.0 > 6.2.1 update.

    I guess it’s back to zero now for me, as I don’t have any earlier backups. (I still don’t understand how and why after restoring my 6.2.0 backup where I had all my custom settings and CSS working, they are suddenly gone from there, too…)


    Artem Temos


    Do you mean that when you restore your 6.2 backup you see all the settings correct? In this case, please, restore it now and send us your admin access so we can check what is wrong.

    Kind Regards



    Hi, I re-set all the theme options from memory over the weekend, because I don’t have much time left in this project – must start adding products soon.

    Here is what happened:

    – I was on version 6.1.5
    – I updated to version 6.2.0 (Manually) – nothing was broken after the update, everything was OK
    – I updated to version 6.2.1 (Manually) – lost all theme settings and custom CSS immediately after the update – they were reset to default

    In both cases, I didn’t visit the new dummy content interface (no need to).

    Before 6.2.0 > 6.2.1 update, I did a full backup (files + db) manually and using Softacolous’s backup option.

    Even after restoring those backups (tried both, esentially going back from 6.2.1 to 6.2.0), my theme settings were still missing. For some reason, they don’t want to be restored from the backups at all. That’s why I was asking where the theme settings are stored, which file(s) or entries in the database.

    So I redid all settings over the weekend and exported them using Export option in Theme Settings.

    This time, I got a notification for version 6.2.2 and updated to it from the dashboard. Previously, version 6.2.0 and 6.2.1 were not available as updates from the Dashboard and had to to them manually.

    After the 6.2.1 > 6.2.2 update, thankfully no settings were lost.

    I’ll be a lot more careful next time when updating, exporting all settings and custom CSS manually before the update, because restoring a full backup doesn’t seem to restore back the settings in my case.


    Artem Temos


    We are very sorry for the trouble. Please, let us know if you face this problem again. And we recommend you schedule backups on your server at least once a week.

    Kind Regards



    Hi, I have daily automatic backups enabled on my server (files + db), however, restoring such backup doesn’t restore the theme settings in my case. The same with Softacolous backups…


    Artem Temos

    Could you please provide us with your admin and FTP access as well as your backup files? We will restore it for you if you still need it. Or at least extract all Theme Settings from your database backup.

    We are very sorry for this issue, but we are working on all your support requests and do our best to help you with all theme-related problems. Would you be so kind and change your negative review on ThemeForest?

    Also, our support for Elementor is exactly the same as for WPBakery. Could you please clarify what problems do you have working with Elementor?

    Thank you for understanding.



    Hey Артём,

    I redid the theme settings by memory the past 2 days, but unfortunately lost my whole weekend doing that.
    About the review – I didn’t know I was reviewing the whole product (but only support). It’s removed now, but I hope you’d work on improving it in the future with the likes of more people like yourself, Luke & Bogdan.
    About Elementor – when I have the time I’ll list the issues in the Feature Requests topic. I’ve solved most of them one way or another (one thing that I didn’t at 100%, for example, was the gap discussed here)

    You can find login details for an up-to-date page (minus the products and most pages, which I work offline on localhost for speed) here: https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/custom-font-and-typography-questions/

    I’d appreciate it if someone handling the Typography aspect could take a look at the abovementioned topic and advise on how to use two (or more) custom fonts from the same font family with the same weight, but with different styles (regular & italic) on the same elements (for example, body/paragraph text), so when <em></em> / <i></i> or font-style: italic; is used, the text would be in real italic (from the dedicated font file) and not faux italic (skewed regular). This is possible when Google Fonts are used (although a bit buggy – I’ll write another topic about that if the custom font thing won’t work).


    Artem Temos


    I have replied to your topic regarding typography. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

    Kind Regards

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