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Theme update breaks mobile

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  • #577020

    Michael de Jager

    Please find attached screenshots showing what happens before and after the update in mobile view. In the updated version, the icons under the slider disappear, and the menu becomes unclickable.

    We’re running Woodmart Version 7.3.5, and this issue occurs when we update the theme to 7.5.1.

    Could you please investigate and let me know what we can do to resolve this?

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    Luke Nielsen


    Update the theme on the staging site and send me access to it so I can compare it and investigate.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards


    Michael de Jager

    Thank you Luke.

    I have updated the theme on our staging site from 7.3.4 to 7.5.1.

    Here are the login details.

    Please let me know if you need anything else.



    Michael de Jager

    Hi Luke,

    Have you had a look yet at the concern?

    Please let me know if you need anything else from our side.



    Luke Nielsen


    1. Remove indentations for the top header block – https://prnt.sc/aeAXR-CbHcre, https://prnt.sc/mvhOOFEPQnLV – set here 0 and change the padding to 30 here – https://prnt.sc/xhN_RJTssq7m

    2. Hide this CSS – https://prnt.sc/d7pVfHsOamsv

    And now the menu is clickable – https://gyazo.com/52570a0bcce7a50bb223a6730b47805e

    Thank you for your time and let me know if you have additional questions.

    Kind Regards


    Michael de Jager

    Hi Luke,

    Thank you for the menu mobile fix, we’ve made the changes and it’s working!

    Did you find anything for the icons that go missing after the update on mobile? (the sliding items underneath the main slider)
    I’ve attached the screenshots again incase you missed it.

    Please let me know if you need anything else from our end.


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    Luke Nielsen


    Edit the “Banner carousel” and turn off the hiding pagination for the mobile devices – https://prnt.sc/njodfoNiLfr-

    Clear the cache and check how it works.

    Kind Regards


    Michael de Jager

    Thanks Luke, that works!

    Have a great day



    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! In case you need any additional help, I’d be more than happy to assist you.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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