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There is a problem with playing video on the slides.

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  • #577066


    Hello. I want to use the Woodmart slide. However, it bothers me that I cannot add a video to the background. Later, without adding any photos or backgrounds to the slides, I clicked on edit with Elementor and automatically added a video to the background of the contents. I succeeded. I got the result I wanted.

    But when I added a second slide, as you saw in the video, the video does not appear at first. If I reduce the screen size or open the inspect element, the video suddenly starts to appear. It seems there is a CSS issue here. Can you help me with the problem?

    By the way, I want to use a video slide. Did I proceed correctly?


    Luke Nielsen


    May I disable the 3rd party plugins?

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards



    Of course you can. I am currently in a test run. I haven’t turned it into a serious site.


    Luke Nielsen


    Add the code below into the “On document ready” area in Theme Settings -> Custom JS. Clear the cache and check how it works.

    document.querySelectorAll('.wd-slider > .wd-carousel-inner > .wd-carousel').forEach( function (carousel) {
    	carousel.addEventListener('wdSlideChange', function (e) {

    Kind Regards



    My brother is working perfectly. You are perfect Luke. You solve everything. I have been grateful for 2 years.


    Luke Nielsen


    Glad I could help!

    Let me know if there’s anything else you need.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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