Home Forums Basel support forum Things to know before the Basel update

Things to know before the Basel update

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    our brand uses 2 of your templates since 3 years. We saw your last update about Basel and read about a lot of people that had problems after the update. So we decided to pay another 40 euro to renew your support to be sure that our web site will do not go offline. Or if it will happen you’ll be there to help us to fix it.

    We already read your instructions about the update, but we read also that something do not work anymore with the new version of Basel. If I remember well I read that something in the header banner do not work more like before.

    So the question is: can we know exactly which kind of problems could we have after the update? We will follow step by step your update instruction, but we would like to be ready. We’ll appreciate a complete answer!

    Another questions is related to the develop of the theme. When do you will introduce a CSS manager as in Woodmart? Our CSS is very very large in the web site where we’re using Basel.

    Thanks a lot.



    We cannot predict what can be wrong exactly with your site taking into consideration numerous customization. The only way is to make the full backup of all your sites and update, if there is something wrong, contact us we shall help.

    Do you mean CSS Generator? It has been already integrated with WoodMart.

    Best Regards



    We know that you can’t predict what can be wrong, but as I told you before I read that something go wrong with previous the previous setup. Could you tell us what you know about? I read that icons do not will work anymore on the top bar with HTML Blocks. Is is true? What else?

    Do you mean CSS Generator? It has been already integrated with WoodMart.

    I was talking about Basel. Do you will introduce the CSS Generator also here? When?


    Artem Temos

    All our theme features will work without any problems if you didn’t customize them with CSS or any other changes in files.

    Sorry, but we don’t plan to introduce the CSS generator for Basel in the nearest future.

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