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To main page Vudmart template for article / Главной страницы шаблон Вудмарт

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  • #196279


    Good afternoon. I am moving the old site to the Woodmart template.
    My old site has a lot of articles on the Home page
    Most of the templates main page Vudmart focus on sales – it does not quite fit me.
    Advise a template on which blocks with articles are displayed

    Добрый день Я переношу старый сайт на Вудмарт.
    У моего старого сайта на Главной странице есть много статей
    Большинство шаблонов Главной страницы нацелены на продажи – это мне не совсем подходит.
    Посоветуйте шаблон на котором выведены блоки со статьями



    Our theme WoodMart almost all the homepages of the demo layouts have products on the homepage. And almost all the demo layout homepages display the news section where the articles are displayed.

    You can use the demo layout magazine because there are articles displayed on the homepage.

    Link to the demo: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/magazine/

    If you want to ask anything else then provide with some relevant screenshot of the specific areas to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.

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