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Translate layouts

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  • #590099

    Toni Tarres

    I have created a different layout for each product, and I would need to know how to translate these layouts with WPML.
    Is this possible?
    And if WPML couldn’t be done, how should I do it?

    Thank you

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    Luke Nielsen


    Please go to WPML > Settings and set wd_layout_conditions and wd_layout_type of Custom Fields Translation to Copy or Translate https://prnt.sc/s4fCed8tWBS3

    Set woodmart_layout of Post Types Translation to Translate https://prnt.sc/PhNd6HzAqzF2

    After that, you can translate the Layout post type as other post types.

    Kind Regards


    Toni Tarres

    OK thanks,
    Today I can’t try, I’m outsite of my office, but, after applied yours instructions, what is the way for translate? Same as without layouts?? The same as always, as if I were translating a page or a post?? Or via wpml strings.
    Is possible a visual translation with elementor?



    Luke Nielsen


    Here are an examples: https://take.ms/nuPgE, https://take.ms/tl6Hu

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards

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