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Translate to Romanian

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  • #122153


    Hello guys,

    First of all let me tell you that the Woodmart theme is one of the best I have seen until now.
    We have small things that need to be solved and I think something is not working well or we are not doing something right.
    We are in love with your theme and we want to get to know all the things before starting to work with it for customers as well.
    I will start with:
    1. Is there a chance to have all the text from the theme translated to another language without using a plugin for that? We will be using 3 languages at the end but now we will launch our site in Romanian, then in English and then in Spanish.

    2. We are using the WPML plugin for translations but certain phrases ar not translated at all even if we find those words or sentences and some we are not finding them.(see in the attach with yellow)

    3. How can we have more categories displayed in the header on the search form (see attach)
    4. How can we add a different slider on the product pages and on the compare page – we don’t see where is the option.
    5. From where the delivery and shipping tab can be modified (the tab from the products)
    6. How can we modify the Browse Categories title? Would be nice to be able to set our own name for that – until now we haven’t found a way to do that
    7. Can we modify the out of stock and all other product stickers?

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    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and warm feedback.

    1. Unfortunately, you will have to use a free plugin which would solve issues # 1, 6, 7. You can both translate to Romanian and to rename “Browse categories”, and labels with this plugin as well. Here is a video tutorial that should help you translate your website texts with a Loco Translate plugin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3NsDdMzsls&list=PLMw6W4rAaOgKKv0oexGHzpWBg1imvrval&index=3

    2. Empty Cart text is translated just in the Theme Settings > Shop > scroll to find. In the same way, you will find the translation for the Login/Register page: Theme Settings > Login/Register; when you search a string, choose “Woodmart” in domains and then search http://prntscr.com/nkf93w

    3. Select Category search reflects all the existing categories which you create in Dashboard > Products > Categories

    4. There is no option to add a slider to the compare page. Using WP bakery page builder you can add a slider to a product page. Chose Slider Revolution element or Woodmart slider. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/woodmart-slider/

    5. Please navigate to the Theme Settings > Product page > Tabs

    6 and 7 view #1

    Best Regards

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