Hi Dear,
i Have WPML in my website, with the Main Site Language (English) and the secondary language (Arabic) …
Please i need to change the logo in the (Arabic) Language, how to do this ???
i mean i need to translate the logo .. please help me
You will need to have different headers for each language.
In order to have headers in different languages, follow the steps below:
1. Create a new header in the language you need.
2. Find it in WPML Strings as shown on the screen: https://prnt.sc/kgxj71
3. Insert the Header ID in the translation, taken from here: http://prntscr.com/kgxkel
Check the category you have highlighted on the screen or navigate to WPML Strings Translation and insert into the search http://prntscr.com/lwoyco
Press “translation” to open fields and insert header ID which you created for each language accordingly http://prntscr.com/lwozhh