i installed WordPress on German,
installed the Plugin Germanized for Woocommerce which translates woocommerce,
and i uploaded the german translation of the woodmart theme.
But unfortunately i still have english texts on my site:
Thank you for your answer, i dont want to install additional plugins what i dont need.
I wrote what i already did so i just need to know where this entries are saved in.
You can install the plugin, translate, delete the plugin and translation would remain even after each update. If you change the works in the code, it would reset after each update.
i installed the Loco Plugin now.
The plugin identified the already existing language-files.
But i cant translate them because of they are aslready translated, but the frontend doesnt shows up them.
Got it, i added it, and the plugin registered the files, but i had to change anything and save the file again to get imported to the site. it works now.