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Two problem about visual composer

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    I completely understand that my question is not about woodmart theme …
    but i hope you guys help me cause i don’t know anyone better than xtemos team in wordpress …

    1. my first problem is, when i add a “paragraph element” in visual composer, the visual composer plugin automatically add a <p></p> tag to the begin and the end of that element
    I use paragraph element for lots of my works other than writing a simple Paragraph …
    So how can i remove that tag? or at least change that tag to <span> … which files i must edit?

    2. When i add a “Raw HTML” element in visual composer, at the end, when i look at the codes in my page builder, the codes are like they are scripted!
    for example, in normal, when you add a element in visual composer your code is SOMETHING like this: [vc_element] … ( just an example … )
    but in “raw html” your code is something like this: 6r$543eefD5^7 …
    the codes are works perfect in website. no problem with that!
    but what is your suggestion about this? is it safe to use “raw html” element? is this ok for website SEO?

    Thanks a lot.


    Artem Temos


    1. Sorry, but it is not possible to change this behavior. It is quite annoying, but there is no way to replace it.

    2. Yes, the code is encoded with base64 function. It is how this element works and you don’t need to worry about that. Search bots will see the correct HTML code and not encoded one.




    Thank you so much

    For my first question, could you please contact Visual Composer support and ask them about this problem? i think there should be a way to solve this problem ..
    + I can’t contact them myself, cause i got no licence

    Thank you


    Artem Temos

    It is how WordPress editor works in general, Visual Composer doesn’t have any influence it.



    So i think this “wpautop” function …
    By the way, thank you so much for your help

    Just one more question. i made all of my footer section with visual composer “paragraph element”, do you think is it bad for my website seo that for example my footer Title has <p> tag?



    No problem if the footer is made in visual composer in HTML markup it will be correct and valid code. If p tag wraps VC shortcode, remove it, if it is used correctly for warping the text, it would be ok.

    Best Regards



    I think you didn’t read my first question Elise 🙁


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we don’t know how you are optimizing your website for SEO so we can’t advise you here.

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