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Unable to display svg logo

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  • #164267


    Hello, attached is my svg logo.
    Why is that when i attach it as logo header, it does not display? for other JPEG it is working.
    I have installed SVG plugin as required plugin

    Please help.

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    Most of the times the issue is with the SVG file code itself. Due to inappropriate styling sometimes SVG format images not shown. Normally svg format is supported in our header and svg image works just fine.

    If you face such issue with svg format image, then use your logo in .jpg or .png format. You can convert your svg logo to some other format with any converting tool and then use it.
    Sometimes due to small height and width logo not showing. So if you want to use your logo in SVG format then you need to open your SVG icons file with some editor like Sublime Text or default system text editor and increase the width,height attributes to your tag like it is shown: http://prntscr.com/m4n0qw

    Then you will need to re-upload your logo in WordPress Dashboard.

    Best Regards.



    I open it is something like this

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”no”?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN” “http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd”><svg width=”100%” height=”100%” viewBox=”0 0 369 53″ version=”1.1″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg&#8221; xmlns:xlink=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink&#8221; xml:space=”preserve” style=”fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.41421;”><text x=”68.529px” y=”40.657px” style=”font-family:’Fundela-Bold’, ‘Fundela’;font-weight:700;font-size:56px;”>plastikpedia</text><path d=”M22.405,31.159l-5.748,5.499c0,0 -12.938,-17.191 3.614,-30.233c0,0 12.276,-9.48 25.835,0.169c0,0 15.957,11.478 3.46,30.537c0,0 -8.164,11.386 -16.225,15.461c0,0 -13.658,-9.153 -13.611,-11.89l6.058,-6.196c2.119,1.45 4.682,2.298 7.442,2.298c7.286,0 13.202,-5.916 13.202,-13.202c0,-7.287 -5.916,-13.202 -13.202,-13.202c-7.287,0 -13.203,5.915 -13.203,13.202c0,2.809 0.88,5.415 2.378,7.557Zm10.536,-15.943c4.639,0 8.405,3.767 8.405,8.406c0,4.639 -3.766,8.405 -8.405,8.405c-4.639,0 -8.406,-3.766 -8.406,-8.405c0,-4.639 3.767,-8.406 8.406,-8.406Z”/></svg>

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    the fonts appear different even in this thumbnail when i upload



    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”no”?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN” “http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd”><svg width=”100%” height=”100%” viewBox=”0 0 369 53″ version=”1.1″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg&#8221; xmlns:xlink=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink&#8221; xml:space=”preserve” style=”fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.41421;”><path d=”M76.817,12.657l1.232,0l0,3.808c2.52,-2.576 3.808,-3.808 8.848,-3.808c5.04,0 11.368,5.096 11.368,15.176c0,10.136 -6.328,15.176 -11.368,15.176c-5.04,0 -6.328,-1.288 -8.848,-3.808l0,6.328c0,2.52 -2.52,6.328 -6.328,6.328l-1.232,0l0,-32.872c0,-3.808 2.52,-6.328 6.328,-6.328Zm13.888,15.176c0,-5.04 -2.52,-8.848 -5.096,-8.848c-3.752,0 -6.328,3.808 -6.328,8.848c0,5.04 2.576,8.848 6.328,8.848c2.576,0 5.096,-3.808 5.096,-8.848Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M108.905,1.961l0.84,0l0,31.92c0,3.752 -2.912,6.776 -6.72,6.776l-0.84,0l0,-32.032c0,-3.584 3.024,-6.664 6.72,-6.664Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M113.665,32.705l0,-0.28c0,-6.104 3.92,-8.792 9.632,-8.792c2.352,0 4.032,0.392 5.768,1.12l0,-0.896c0,-3.136 -1.96,-4.816 -5.208,-4.816c-1.008,0 -1.848,0.168 -2.688,0.28c-2.24,0.504 -4.368,-0.84 -5.152,-2.968l-0.56,-1.512c2.744,-1.344 5.544,-2.184 9.464,-2.184c3.752,0 6.608,1.008 8.4,2.8c1.96,1.96 2.856,4.816 2.856,8.344l0,9.632c0,3.976 -3.192,7.224 -7.168,7.224l-7.168,0c-4.536,0 -8.176,-2.52 -8.176,-7.952Zm15.512,-1.176l0,-2.296c-1.064,-0.56 -2.576,-0.896 -4.088,-0.896c-2.688,0 -4.368,1.344 -4.368,3.864l0,0.112c0,2.296 1.456,3.416 3.528,3.472c2.856,0.056 4.928,-1.736 4.928,-4.256Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M140.097,36.961l0.896,-1.624c1.232,-1.736 3.528,-2.352 5.432,-1.456c1.456,0.616 2.8,1.008 4.032,1.008c2.016,0 2.856,-1.008 2.856,-2.016l0,-0.112c0,-1.624 -1.96,-2.24 -4.928,-3.472c-3.808,-1.736 -7.168,-3.584 -7.168,-8.232l0,-0.112c0,-5.208 4.088,-8.288 9.352,-8.288c2.968,0 6.216,1.008 8.904,2.856l-0.952,1.736c-0.896,1.792 -3.136,2.576 -5.096,1.792c-1.008,-0.448 -2.072,-0.616 -2.968,-0.616c-1.736,0 -2.576,0.784 -2.576,1.904l0,0.112c0,1.456 1.96,2.184 4.816,3.472c3.976,1.96 7.168,3.92 7.168,8.232l0,0.112c0,5.544 -4.088,8.4 -9.52,8.4c-3.192,0 -7,-1.008 -10.248,-3.696Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M170.001,33.321l0,-14.504l-6.216,0l0,-1.96c0,-2.296 1.848,-4.2 4.144,-4.2l2.072,0l0,-2.744c0,-2.296 1.96,-4.256 4.256,-4.256l3.024,0l0,7l5.432,0l0,1.96c0,2.408 -1.848,4.2 -4.144,4.2l-1.288,0l0,12.992c0,1.624 0.728,2.408 2.24,2.408c1.176,0 2.24,-0.336 3.136,-0.784l0,2.968c0,1.96 -1.456,3.752 -3.416,4.088c-0.616,0.112 -1.232,0.168 -1.96,0.168c-4.2,0 -7.28,-1.624 -7.28,-7.336Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M186.633,1.457l3.864,0c2.184,0 3.864,1.736 3.864,3.864l0,3.92l-3.864,0c-2.184,0 -3.864,-1.736 -3.864,-3.92l0,-3.864Zm6.72,11.2l1.008,0l0,21.392c0,3.584 -2.968,6.496 -6.496,6.496l-0.952,0l0,-21.504c0,-3.528 2.856,-6.384 6.44,-6.384Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M204.441,2.913l1.288,0l0,20.048l4.984,-6.832c1.68,-2.184 4.2,-3.472 7,-3.472l4.312,0l-8.96,11.088l9.128,16.912l-4.48,0c-2.464,0 -4.704,-1.4 -5.768,-3.584l-3.92,-7.728l-2.296,3.024l0,8.288l-7.448,0l0,-31.584c0,-3.36 2.744,-6.16 6.16,-6.16Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M232.441,12.657l1.232,0l0,3.808c2.52,-2.576 3.808,-3.808 8.848,-3.808c5.04,0 11.368,5.096 11.368,15.176c0,10.136 -6.328,15.176 -11.368,15.176c-5.04,0 -6.328,-1.288 -8.848,-3.808l0,6.328c0,2.52 -2.52,6.328 -6.328,6.328l-1.232,0l0,-32.872c0,-3.808 2.52,-6.328 6.328,-6.328Zm13.888,15.176c0,-5.04 -2.52,-8.848 -5.096,-8.848c-3.752,0 -6.328,3.808 -6.328,8.848c0,5.04 2.576,8.848 6.328,8.848c2.576,0 5.096,-3.808 5.096,-8.848Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M257.809,26.937l0,-0.448c0,-8.008 4.984,-13.832 11.76,-13.832c7.672,0 11.424,6.272 11.424,14.336c0,1.232 -1.008,2.296 -2.296,2.296l-13.832,0c0.616,3.528 2.856,5.376 5.824,5.376c1.008,0 1.96,-0.224 2.8,-0.616c1.904,-0.84 4.2,-0.448 5.488,1.176l1.008,1.12c-2.464,2.688 -5.6,4.312 -9.576,4.312c-7.168,0 -12.6,-5.376 -12.6,-13.72Zm16.296,-2.408c-0.28,-3.64 -1.848,-5.992 -4.536,-5.992c-2.632,0 -4.312,2.184 -4.76,5.992l9.296,0Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M300.313,40.657l-4.984,0c-5.432,0 -10.416,-3.976 -10.416,-13.384l0,-0.784c0,-9.464 5.04,-13.832 10.416,-13.832c3.696,0 5.88,2.016 7.448,4.256l0,-8.008c0,-2.968 2.352,-5.264 5.264,-5.264l2.072,0l0,27.216c0,5.32 -4.48,9.8 -9.8,9.8Zm-2.8,-6.664c2.968,0 5.376,-2.688 5.376,-6.944l0,-0.392c0,-4.256 -2.408,-6.944 -5.376,-6.944c-3.08,0 -5.376,2.688 -5.376,6.944l0,0.392c0,4.256 2.296,6.944 5.376,6.944Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M314.033,1.457l3.864,0c2.184,0 3.864,1.736 3.864,3.864l0,3.92l-3.864,0c-2.184,0 -3.864,-1.736 -3.864,-3.92l0,-3.864Zm6.72,11.2l1.008,0l0,21.392c0,3.584 -2.968,6.496 -6.496,6.496l-0.952,0l0,-21.504c0,-3.528 2.856,-6.384 6.44,-6.384Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M325.681,32.705l0,-0.28c0,-6.104 3.92,-8.792 9.632,-8.792c2.352,0 4.032,0.392 5.768,1.12l0,-0.896c0,-3.136 -1.96,-4.816 -5.208,-4.816c-1.008,0 -1.848,0.168 -2.688,0.28c-2.24,0.504 -4.368,-0.84 -5.152,-2.968l-0.56,-1.512c2.744,-1.344 5.544,-2.184 9.464,-2.184c3.752,0 6.608,1.008 8.4,2.8c1.96,1.96 2.856,4.816 2.856,8.344l0,9.632c0,3.976 -3.192,7.224 -7.168,7.224l-7.168,0c-4.536,0 -8.176,-2.52 -8.176,-7.952Zm15.512,-1.176l0,-2.296c-1.064,-0.56 -2.576,-0.896 -4.088,-0.896c-2.688,0 -4.368,1.344 -4.368,3.864l0,0.112c0,2.296 1.456,3.416 3.528,3.472c2.856,0.056 4.928,-1.736 4.928,-4.256Z” style=”fill-rule:nonzero;”/><path d=”M22.405,31.159l-5.748,5.499c0,0 -12.938,-17.191 3.614,-30.233c0,0 12.276,-9.48 25.835,0.169c0,0 15.957,11.478 3.46,30.537c0,0 -8.164,11.386 -16.225,15.461c0,0 -13.658,-9.153 -13.611,-11.89l6.058,-6.196c2.119,1.45 4.682,2.298 7.442,2.298c7.286,0 13.202,-5.916 13.202,-13.202c0,-7.287 -5.916,-13.202 -13.202,-13.202c-7.287,0 -13.203,5.915 -13.203,13.202c0,2.809 0.88,5.415 2.378,7.557Zm10.536,-15.943c4.639,0 8.405,3.767 8.405,8.406c0,4.639 -3.766,8.405 -8.405,8.405c-4.639,0 -8.406,-3.766 -8.406,-8.405c0,-4.639 3.767,-8.406 8.406,-8.406Z”/></svg>

    I tried different SVG format which treat the text as curve but still cannot be displayed



    I edit your logo and change the value for both attributes. I used ā€œ width=”369px” height=”53px”ā€ then I remove the very first line which contains xml tag and save the changes then I test your logo and it works just fine.

    I used the logo on my test site and it is showing just fine.
    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/j0AySma

    You will find your updated version of logo in the below link, just download this logo and use it on your site.

    Best Regards.



    Hello, i used the font fundela, but in your edited file it does not appear as the font fundela.
    So i export the text as curve in SVG. I edited the width / height and remove the first xml tag following your example of edited file. I still cannot see my logo.
    Please help.

    Do you use any particular software to design svg so that we dont use additional steps of editing the svg file through text editor. ?

    Thank you

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    I did not change your font, I just resize the logo file. The logo in which you used the font fundela just used the same height and width as width=”369px” height=”53px”.

    If its not working then share your site login credentials I will check myself and help you out.

    Also i have uploaded the logo in the below link below which works fine at my test you can try this one:

    I did not use any special special software I just use simple text editor to edit the code of SVG file.

    Best Regards.



    Hello it is working now.
    I downloaded Sublime and edit using that Sublime editor.
    Mac Textedit did not work



    I’m glad that its working now. If Mac Texteditor not able to edit that code then it’s better to use sublime.

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    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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