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Upsells not appearing for Variable products

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  • #338576


    loving the theme.

    We are having an issue with Upsells not appearing on the single product page if the product is a Variable product. Upsells for Simple products appear above the Related products section as expected.

    I’m not sure what we need to do to get Upsells to appear for a Variable product, any help would be appreciated.

    Kind regards



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please make sure you have not hidden the showing Upsells products in the Theme Settings > Single product > Show /hide

    In addition please check this manual: https://woocommerce.com/document/related-products-up-sells-and-cross-sells/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,
    thanks for the reply. In the Theme Settings > Single Product > Show/hide Upsells products position is set as Standard and as mentioned Upsells are appearing correctly for Simple products.

    They do not appear for Variable products, I’m not sure why. Upsells are set up for Variable products in the product details exactly the same way as for Simple products.

    The $upsells in themes > woodmart > woocommerce > single-product > up-sells.php is empty for a Variable product but not for a Simple product. I’m not sure why, I didn’t think product type mattered to Upsells.

    Any help would be really appreciated.

    Kind regards



    Please make the full backup of your site and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem. Storefront is a free theme developed by WooСommerce.

    Best Regards


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