Home Forums WoodMart support forum Urgent: Sitemap showing Blog page. Auto redirecting from sitemap.xml to wp-site-

Urgent: Sitemap showing Blog page. Auto redirecting from sitemap.xml to wp-site-

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  • #339256


    Hello Luke Neilson,

    I realized that something is going wrong with the Sitemap, its URL, getting auto-redirected, and showing blog page as sitemap.

    To summarize
    Earlier, Our site was having the default “sitemap.xml” as a suffix in URL, as shown below-

    And the same we submitted on Google on 4th Nov 21, as can be seen here-

    However, after using or Activating Woodmart, it automatically changed and redirects to wp-sitemap.xml (instead of just sitemap.xml) Probably, since 25th Nov 21 onwards

    Infact, the whole sitemap page and contents have changed, and hence, the purpose of sitemap is not getting fulfilled at all, due to this.

    We tried by entering the URL https://www.vasangini.com/sitemap.xml and it is being redirect to this – https://www.vasangini.com/wp-sitemap.xml
    You can check the same from your side.

    Due to which Google is not crawling further (since 25th Nov onwards). Like the pages or products that were crawled till that time, were as it is. Even though we have added more, later-on.

    1.b. Point is, why the suffix – sitemap.xml is being overridden with other URL. From where it is being controlled. If from somewhere else, or if in Woodmart.
    We are unable to find the root cause.

    From the day we Activate it, that changed. Please check, we tested today using Robots tester (of Google), and it is showing the last date of 25th Nov 21 (with today’s test)

    We tested from this Google page – https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062598?hl=en

    We are not even using any such plugin related to this, or that may be responsible for redirection or change in sitemap suffix or URL

    2. Above all, even if we consider the suffix “wp-sitemap” as the correct as well as default one (and not the sitemap.xml), that is below current URL as default URL-

    then also, why this current sitemap page is showing the Blog pagee. And not the actual Sitemap page.
    This is driving us even more crazy.

    As, even if the URL (suffix) got changed, it should atleast show the proper sitemap or URL links of each post, page, product, term and so on.. Just like it tends to show normally with sitemaps.

    Can you please check this also, and help me to fix this problem.

    2.b. Thereafter, how to make the current Sitemap page or URL, so as not to show the Blog page, but to show the actual sitemap.

    Please resolve


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by harshwe.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by harshwe.

    Artem Temos


    Our theme doesn’t create any sitemaps on your website. Probably, it is generated by some of the installed plugins. You can verify this by switching to the default WordPress theme.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Artem,

    It looks like my messages with screenshots have been ignored , completely. Would have appreciated, if you could have atleast gone through them.

    Also, I have already shared credentials, if you would have checked with those, then you would have find, that I am Not using any 3rd Party plugin, so far.

    Please note, I am not blaming anybody or the theme, in either case, Simply looking for a solution.
    As this is critically affecting with Search Engines, and as can be seen from Google Search Console (GSC – screenshots shared above)

    The only thing, that I wanted to know-

    2.a. Is why the Sitemap link (wp-sitemap.xml) is redirected to and showing a Blog page of Woodmart. From where, this thing is being controlled and how.
    Instead of actual Sitemap.

    WordPress itself has default functionality to show Sitemaps, since their 5.5 version onwards.
    Should not it show the same default Sitemap (like below) with URL links of each post, page, product, term and so on.. Just like it tends to show normally with WordPress default sitemaps


    2.b. And so, how to make the current Sitemap page or URL, so as not to show the Blog page, but to show the actual sitemap (with URLs)

    Please resolve



    Artem Temos


    2. We don’t know but probably the sitemap is not configured on your website all. Note that it is most likely not a standard functionality and comes with some SEO plugins on your website (if any).
    Anyway, to verify if it is something broken in the theme you can temporarily switch to the default theme and test how it works.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Artem,

    2.a It does not need to be configured (normally, by default), and should work, in either case (even if not using any Plugin too), by simply adding the wp-sitemap.xml at the end of the domain name.

    From WordPress 5.5, they released a basic XML sitemap feature. And hence, the XML sitemap feature was added to WordPress by default.

    URL for reference –

    Should not, atleast the basic Sitemap works, irrespective of theme. Just Wondering, why the Sitemap link (wp-sitemap.xml) is redirected to and showing a Blog page of Woodmart.

    Please fix this and resolve.



    Artem Temos


    It redirects to the WordPress blog page, it is not our theme’s page. Please, test how it works with the default theme to see if it is caused by WoodMart. If yes, then we will check why it happens.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Artem,

    It was definitely related to Woodmart or during after its Activation only.
    Below video shows up that the moment we switched to 20-21 default theme, Sitemaps automatically restored back and correctly showing up the basic Sitemap page.


    Not sure, why you kept ignoring about this thing. Now that it is clear from the above video, can you please ask the concern team to look into this further so as to get it resolved permanently.
    Due to this sudden change, we never realized that Google stopped looking on further pages and was not reacting to the previous sitemap, that we had already submitted on 4th Nov 21

    It is only when we realized, by trying to check the Google Search Console, and other things including sitemap (that was already submitted)

    Point is – Should not, atleast the basic Sitemap works, irrespective of theme. Just Wondering, why the Sitemap link (wp-sitemap.xml) is redirected to and showing a Blog page.

    And as I wrote earlier also –

    It does not need to be configured (normally, by default), and should work, in either case (even if not using any Plugin too), by simply adding the wp-sitemap.xml at the end of the domain name.

    From WordPress 5.5, they released a basic XML sitemap feature. And hence, the XML sitemap feature was added to WordPress by default.

    Please understand – Not everybody (every New user of Woodmart), will begin to realize it timely, and this may seriously impact on their search results, SEO and with Google Search Console.

    PS: Probably this might be happening during very first installation or Activation only. And as almost everybody is using some sort of SEO lugin, hence they might not be facing this issue. And might not have reported to you or team, so far. As the sitemaps have been handled by those plugins.

    PS 2: Just found that, Now after, switching back to Woodmart Child theme (from default 20-21), the sitemaps kept in restored state and are now working correctly, as well. I just switched from WM child to 20-21, then switched back again to Woodmart Child (WM)

    Kind Request:
    In either case, would highly appreciate, if you could please take a further look into this and have this resolved. Or forward to the concern team, so that other users or new customers won’t face such issues, specially when not using any SEO plugin. OR don’t notice it or get attentive into it (without SEO plugin)


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by harshwe.

    Artem Temos


    As we can see, wp-sitemap.xml now works in the same way as shown on your video https://gyazo.com/80dd4a70e66519df3f949e57e2dbda6f
    Could you please clarify if there is something still not working as expected with our theme only?

    Kind Regards



    Hello Artem,

    This is what I have already mentioned and explained, as well.
    If at all, you ever wanted to look earlier into the issue, you could have done that earlier.

    But it looks like you wanted to ignore your customer issues and requests.

    Could you please clarify if there is something still not working as expected with our theme only?

    What more clarification you need.
    It is very much clear from my above detailed messages, that it was caused due to Woodmart Activation. Atleast during activation for the very 1st time.

    I can see, that you people kept saying to check with Default theme. And when we found that it is working with Default theme (or Storefront), then also you don’t accept and work on the informed issues.

    It looks like you believe in choosing to Deny and ignore the concerns.



    Artem Temos

    Sorry, we never meant to refuse any problems caused by our theme. And we are here to help you. But at the moment, we don’t see any problem with the sitemap and we never faced similar issues before. So just let us know if it appears again and we will do our best to help you.



    Hello Artem,

    OK. I can understand.
    Thanks for clarifying and showing positive approach towards.

    Will let you know, if it appears again or some other issue.



    Artem Temos

    Sure, feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

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