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Variable Discount: I want discount per unity only

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  • #507697


    Hello, im caio.

    I have a problem with variable discount with quantity, i want to add something like per example:

    1 unity: 0% discount
    2unity: 40% discount
    3 Unity 50% discount

    i saw on variable discount a problem, literally when i try to put no discount to 1 unity doesnt work, example they allow only 1 to 2, signify that: 1 and 2 will be 30% discount, i just want discount just to unity 2 and no discount on unity 1.

    my problem is, i want no discount to unity 1 i want table of discount like this:

    1unity: 0% discount
    2 unity: 32% discount
    3 Unity: 44,86% discount

    and no discounts to next unitys



    Hung Pham

    Hi caio1489,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Try to use the dynamic discount feature of our theme. In order to enable the “Dynamic Discounts”, go to Theme Settings -> Shop.


    Please note that there is no way to set for 1 unit only. But we will add this ability in our future update.

    Let me know if you need further helps.




    I seen this guy explaining how to edit theme and do dynamic discount for each item with js and php, i tried but i didnt find place to change theese values, idk if you can help me, it will help me alot





    I forgot to add it a detail on my response, I need to find the code lists within the database and which part to edit, if you could tell me the path within the database to find the folder I would be happy


    Hung Pham

    Hi caio1489,

    This is related to coding customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Thanks for your understanding.


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