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Variations Change Delay

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  • #425761

    [email protected]

    Hi there,

    When switching between variations on my product there is a slight delay before it changes as you can see from the loading spinner on this clip: https://gyazo.com/d0f46a552b1ca19945b1f70ea30050de

    On another one of my products the variations change instantly without any delay which is perfect: https://gyazo.com/3f53207b813a0730bdf960d3fc3a74e1

    Is there anything causing the first product to behave like this?

    Hope you can help!

    Thanks in advance


    [email protected]

    Sorry guys, just noticed the ‘AJAX variation threshold’ setting and this has resolved my issue.

    Thanks anyway!



    We are glad you have solved the issue.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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