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Vertical 1px line artifacts

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  • #177632


    Hi and thanks for your mail.
    We found some strange artifacts on your jewelery demo layout.
    The artifacts can already be found on the themeforest page jewelery layout.
    I can’t find anything in the css regarding those lines.

    Regards, Christian



    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in the WoodMart WordPress family :-).

    I have visited your website. Please deactivate all the third party plugin, activate parent theme.

    Then Go to WoodMart >> CSS Generator >> Generate CSS file.

    Disable server caching, clear cache and check back.

    If the problem continues then leave the third party plugins deactivated and we will troubleshoot with theme plugins.

    Best Regards.



    Thank you again for your email. I am not sure though which plug ins are third-party plug ins and i dont know what the parent-theme is you are referring to. Are you talking about the demo-layouts?
    Best wishes, Christian



    I have tried to login to your website but was unable to login because the credentials you provided are not correct. Please provide with correct admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Hi there,

    sorry for the long waiting time. Had other stuff to attend to.
    I accidentally resetted the whole page and with it the users
    by following the last steps you provided me with.
    The problem still exists, though.
    And i have one more request: since i wasn’t the one who paid
    this theme, could you please answer me on another email adress?




    What Email should we answer? Can you please share the URL..

    Best Regards.



    Hi there!
    The email you i would like you to answer to is [email protected].
    The URL which i use to work with your theme is
    Thanks for your support and best regards,



    I have visited your website and the vertical lines are coming from the background of a row that you can delete from the edit page >> Edit row.

    Video for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/36318ba6e95729cea3ebf1922b22b4fe

    If you are still unable to remove them then provide admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Hello Aizaz,
    thank you very much for your support. So i can only delete those lines via
    One more question: the wp_bakery_pagebuilder wants an update. How can i update
    it without having bought the full version? I was under the impression, that, with
    buying the woodmart theme, i would have access to the full version of the bakery
    page builder.

    Best regards,



    1) As I mentioned vertical lines are coming from the background of a row that you can delete from the edit page >> Edit row.

    You don’t need to add custom CSS for that.

    2) To Update Wp-Bakery Page Builder Please Navigate to Appearance > Install plugins > find WP bakery page builder and press “Update”

    Best Regards.



    Hello again.

    I am not sure which of the rows i have to edit, and i don’t know how to edit it. If or when i find it, what exactly i have to do except for deleting the whole part.
    And no, i can’t just update the bakery page builder.
    May i give you some login data and you take care of the problems?
    Furthermore, you are still not answering to the new email address i provided to you. Maybe you can also take care of that? ^^

    Thank you very much and
    best regards,



    How to update and receive support if I do not purchase a direct license?

    In such case, you need to wait for your WordPress theme author to update WPBakery Page Builder on their side and push it to you. Also, support related questions should be addressed to your WordPress theme provider.




    Okay i just deleted some content on my frontpage and the vertical lines are gone. For now at least. There is still the subject of the WP_Bakery_Pagebuilder Update. As you can see in my post above, it seems to be your job to update it.




    We are Glad that your one issue is Resolved.

    WPBakery Page Builder comes bundled with our theme but according to their developer’s policy, we are not able to share activation keys. So to activate this plugin and get access to their library and auto-updates and get the author support you need to purchase the key directly from developers on Codecanyon.

    Please take a full backup of the website. Then Go to Appearance > Install plugins > find WP bakery page builder and press “Update”.

    If you are still unable then tell me I will check and update the plugin for you.

    Best Regards.



    Hi there,

    so you are telling me i have to purchase the whole plug in?
    Like i already posted:
    How to update and receive support if I do not purchase a direct license?

    In such case, you need to wait for your WordPress theme author to update WPBakery Page Builder on their side and push it to you. Also, support related questions should be addressed to your WordPress theme provider.

    Since reading that and the fact, that the bakery page builder is an integral part of your theme, i wouldn’t have to buy the whole package.



    Artem Temos

    Just uninstall the plugin completely and install the latest version via Appearance -> Install plugins.



    I THOUGHT i wouldn’t have to buy the whole package is what i meant to write…


    Artem Temos

    Sure, you don’t need to purchase it separately. It is included in our theme and we always provide the latest version.



    Oh okay, thank you, i will try that!
    Best wishes,



    Worked perfectly! Thank you again for your patient and fast support!



    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome!

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