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Visual of the store modified since the update of the WOODMART theme

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  • #286694

    Manu RY

    I use the Woodmart theme for my WooCommerce store.

    Before the theme update, my product category images were appearing on the same row at the banner of my store.

    Since the update, they appear on two lines in an anarchic way.

    I can’t find the settings available in the theme to decrease the size of the category images so that they appear again on a single line.

    (CF : screenshots)

    Thanks for your help!

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    Please any your category as “Default” in the Product > Categories: http://prntscr.com/124sen1

    In this case, the Uncategories would disappear and your shopping title would look like it did before.

    Best Regards


    Manu RY


    Unfortunately I tried to do the manipulation that you asked me but it does not work.

    I still have 2 lines in my banner on my store space while before the update I had only one line.

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    You need to hide all the empty categories in the Theme Settings > Shop > Sidebar and categories.

    Best Regards


    Manu RY

    Hello Elise,

    Excuse me, maybe we don’t understand each other.

    I would like my categories, even if they are empty for the moment, to be displayed on the same line.

    I am in the process of adding products as I go along, so all the categories will be filled.

    Except that there is a line with 7 categories and a line with only 1 category, so it’s not working.

    So: can we change the size so that they all appear on a single line?

    Or can we make them spread over 2 lines but in a more harmonious way?




    It seems you have already configured the page heading as per your needs: https://gyazo.com/4ef55ad52592d8a94f40caa18e2ceb46

    Best Regards


    Manu RY

    Hello Elise,

    Yes, I finally succeeded.

    Here is what I did:

    -Choice of a default category
    -Deleted the ‘unclassified’ category

    Until now I was prevented from deleting the category ‘not classified’ because it was a mandatory category. Apparently since the last update this has changed.



    That is fine. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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