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Website Description

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  • #483916


    Hello, how do I edit the description for the website that shows when you search the site on google. Please see photo for reference

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    Sorry to say but your mentioned concern is specifically related to SEO. So, we might suggest you contact the respective SEO Plugin Support of which the Plugin you are using on your Site. They can guide better with this concern.

    Further, for your ease you can check out the following Articles by one of the most commonly used SEO plugin Yoast SEO:

    Note: These Articles are just for your ease and convenience to get the understanding of the things.

    Best Regards.



    Ok I understand, thank you!


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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