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website different on different devices

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  • #199943

    [email protected]

    I get the website in the proper way, but people who have never visited the site on mobile, get the website as seen in the attachment.

    My question is, what causes it, what can i do to prevent it? Please can you fix it?



    Our theme is responsive. That is why the structure is transformed on mobile to make all the blocks 100% width and they follow one after another. It makes the blocks readable and look nice. All the nowadays sites are responsive.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    i have noticed that my attachment has not uploaded so my issue may have been unclear

    Let me clarify…

    new visitors to the website get this on mobile

    i want the website on mobile to look like this



    What device do you use? I am checking the site on my phone and I see this: https://gyazo.com/ac2cda4cdb0d1c3b9b1a0bff2f0159d6

    Your site is displayed correctly on my device.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    On a iphone both on safari and chrome… icognito and normal version


    [email protected]

    This is on iphone, both safari as wel as chrome…




    Please provide your site admin access. You have provided FTP and we need admin.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    i have provided it in the private content part



    We have checked your site on ios safari and chrome https://prnt.sc/ssu7s9 and https://prnt.sc/ssu83r as you see all work well. Please check the cache on your phone.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Ok so here’s what i do to recreate it

    I go to iphone settings… erase all safari cache and history.

    Open safari app en go to the site. First i see broken site, but when i press a menu link, normal site opens

    Check my youtube screencapture


    [email protected]

    as i have just noticed this problem occurs when www is added in the link… without www and just https://palmsandmore.nl the site loads the way it should

    in the attachment you see the 404 server errors i get when inspecting

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Yes, you should view your site via HTTPS only. As for www and without www you would better configure the mirror link.

    Best Regards

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