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Website low speed

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  • #128597


    Im using your theme on my shop and its beautifull. But I have a problem with website speed. It’s low, so I need your help. I was talking to my hosting, and change hosting to another becouse the speed was better, but its still not good. My new hosting is on ssd nvme disks, with best cache, gzip, cloudflare enable, redis enable and lots of hours to optimize. When I enable your theme the time in gmetrix is abuot 5-8s. The real time is abiut 5s. Pingdom says its 2s but its not true. Its to long for clients. When I disable your theme the site is speed up very well. The google index of speed is poor on mobile and desktop. How to boost it up. Please help me with this becouse I am thinking about change theme.
    My website is https://www.4skin.pl. I can give you admin access if you want. Maybe my htaccess is not so good?

    End my second question is how to equal height of blog posts in blog site and weidget? Now its not equal and I dont know how to set it up https://www.4skin.pl/blog/. For the products I find it in woodmart options.

    Best regards
    Marcin Piotrowicz



    @k0s1 – I just checked your site from Norway and it loaded in less than 1,5 sec. Very fast.

    Make sure when you check page speed that you use your nearest location. This is also important when you order webhosting, make sure they have a datacenter near your sales area.

    My own site which is hosted in Finnland loads in less than 1 sec here in Norway, similar via Germany but 4 sec via Canada etc.




    @metuza do you visit my site? In pingdom it show when the first image is show but not full load of site. Yestarday i work on performance and pingdom show me 700ms. Its twice better then after. But my site still working slow. When I disable Woodmart Theme its really fast. Pingdom show 400ms, gmetrix 1,5s and 91 pkt. With Woodmart gmetrix show 3,5-4s and 67 pkt. Its slow for a shop.
    I will be happy when my site be fast like a demo of Woodmart https://woodmart.xtemos.com.
    Could anyone tell me whats a hardware ans software needed to speed up like the woodmart demo.
    My hosting is good, its in my country, performance of hosting is not a problem. Problem is in woodmart theme but i dont know where.


    Artem Temos


    We have reviewed your website performance and see that it is really fast and with a few adjustments it may be even faster. There are no critical issues with our theme on your website. We suggest you to set up some cache plugin like WP Rocket. It should optimize your resources loading and minimize them. Also, CDN service should be used to get better results on pingdom and Gtmetrix.

    Kind Regards



    @k0s1 – Yes i visited your site and it was very fast, loaded in below 1,5 sec. so it seems to be very good. I am using WP Rocket cache plugin and it works very good with Woodmart, and it is easy to setup.

    My biggest site using Woodmart and 57 plugins, 1300 products and categories loads in 1,5 sec and i think that is great. But if i check with location ie New Zealand then it needs 11 sec to load so datacenter location is important.

    I have tested 20-30 themes and if you want a 100% customizable them it is difficult to find anything that loads faster.




    @metruza its weird, becouse i am visiting my site and its not so speed as you say. I need about 4-5 sec to change the page for another or going beetwen products. Iam using cloudflare so static images and either element will be loading fast anywhere. The problem is with long time wait serwer. I see this in pingdom test usually. But when i disable woodmart and enable default wordpress theme its speed up for 1s and server dont wait. This waiting of server is on woodmart theme. Froem ysterday i change lots of things and results the same. This speed down was after install the last woodmart update 3.8 maybe its the problem? Mayby should disable cloudflare? Mayby from your locations its speed up with cloudflare but in my its slower with cloudflare?



    @k0s1 – Yes its wierd but i see that your images is not optimized and not loaded from your CDN, also it seems lik .gzip compression is not enabled. And these alone will do a lot for your pageload speed.

    So if you are using cloudflare then something is setup wrong because images, css and js is loaded from your domain.


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