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Website super slow

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  • #20532


    My website is running super slow. I tried everything and didn’t help.
    As you asked, I switched the theme and the website performed much better.
    I’m including admin access.


    Artem Temos


    Strange, but we did a test with the default WordPress theme and the loading time is 4-5 seconds that is really slow too. It may be caused by your server or some additional plugins installed https://gyazo.com/4ea147ce34a2ceaa247f6f3fda90c231

    Kind Regards



    I’d be happy with 4-5 seconds, when using basel theme it takes almost 10 seconds.
    I have a dedicated godaddy server and use cloudfare too.


    Artem Temos

    We understand this, but 4-5 seconds on default theme it is without any functional components like Visual Composer elements, mega menu and so on. So it should be 0.7-1 second. That is why with our theme it is loading in 7-8 seconds. Could you ask your hosting providers why it is working so slow?

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