Home Forums WoodMart support forum What sort of bug is this. Theme updated to latest still asking to update to same

What sort of bug is this. Theme updated to latest still asking to update to same

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  • #390299


    Hello Luke,

    Woodmart Theme is updated to latest version 6.5.4 on our live site.
    Still Dashboard > update is asking to update the theme. And to our surprise, it is asking to update to the same version which is already installed, that is 6.5.4


    What sort of bug is this. Please fix this. As it is kind of annoying.




    Hello Luke,

    In addition to my above message, I am facing another issue.
    I am unable to update WPBakery plugin also. While updating it throws below error –

    An error occurred while updating WPBakery Page Builder: To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit Settings to activate your WPBakery Page Builder. Got WPBakery Page Builder in theme?


    How to resolve this issue.
    How to update WPBakery



    Luke Nielsen


    1. On my side through Appearance -> Themes, I don’t see such a message.


    Please describe how to replicate it.

    2. I have updated the WPB builder on your website, you can check it.


    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    1. It was showing here – https://i2.paste.pics/HMGAX.png

    I already wrote earlier also –

    Dashboard > update is asking to update the theme. And to our surprise, it is asking to update to the same version which is already installed, that is 6.5.4

    However, not appearing now. Not sure, what had happened. Do you have any idea. You can check the screenshot again, that I posted in my previous response.

    2. Can I ask how did you manage to update. And from where.
    Because, as per my screenshot, it did not allowed to update the WPB

    3. The quick view pop-up box is suddenly started showing Brand name below Title and price. It happened after one of the recent theme update (probably 6.5 or later one)

    The visibility of brand name is disabled on Single product page, in general, from theme settings. Can I ask why this is showing in Quick view then.
    Is there any setting that has been added to Enable – Disable it.
    If not, this seems a bug or glitch. Can you please look into it and resolve this.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    1. I cannot tell exactly what it was, maybe some sort of glitch.

    2. I just click on the “Update” button that is in Dashboard -> Plugins -> Update Available.


    3. The below code will help you to hide the “Brands” on the product quick view. Enter it to the “Global Custom CSS” area that is in Theme Settings -> Custom CSS.

    .product-quick-view .summary-inner .wd-product-brands {
        display: none;

    Kind Regards

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Luke Nielsen.


    Hello Luke,

    2. OK, thank you. I did tried some other way. Probably, this was the reason.

    3. Thank you for sharing the custom CSS. But wondering, should Not it work with the Quick View pop-up box also, when we have already Set NOT to show Brand name on the Product Page, besides (or below) Title.
    It works on Single product page, but Not in Quick View.

    And surprisingly, that happened, after one of the recent version only (6.5 onwards).
    So, this seems technically a bug, or kind of it.

    Or else, otherwise, a separate option to Enable-Disable showing of Brand on Quick View also, should be provided.
    Please correct me, If I am wrong.

    That way, it would avoid adding Extra CSS, unnecessarily, just for this.

    Please share you valuable inputs.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    3. Ok, I will forward your suggestions to the team.

    If you’re having trouble of any kind issue, please let me know. I’ll do everything I can to help.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    3. Thank you for forwarding the concern to team.

    But my point still stands the same. As, this was working until we update the theme to 6.5v or later.
    As you can also see, that things gets break after every update, every now and then.
    Technically (and as per available option), it should work, as intended.

    I mean without Custom CSS also, this should work and should Not display Brand name in Quick View box of the same SPP (Single product page), when the same is working correctly in standalone SPP by Not displaying the Brand name.

    This way, it is really very much frustrating. Specially, when we have already Disabled the visibility of the Brand name, here-

    This was working on Quick view also prior to 6.5v update or nearby.

    This sounds completely Non-logical, if we users have to use an additional Custom CSS, unnecessarily, for which the option is already provided in Theme settings. (and is surprisingly working at one area and Not working at other area)

    I can wait, for this to be resolved. But some sort of assurance is always expected, in order to have such issue or bugs to be resolved. No matter, if it takes or require some time.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    Don’t worry, in the next update, it will be fixed.

    Kindly accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    OK Great. Thanks for confirming.
    And much thanks for assuring on this also.

    In addition, there is one another bug or issue on Quick View.
    We have made Hidden the Meta Categories to be displayed on SPP (Single product page), using the Custom CSS shared by you earlier.

    Those were working on SPP and Quick View both, prior to 6.5v or nearby version. That means, Not showing there.
    However after 6.5v, those are now showing on Quick View box. Although still working on SPP (that is hidden)


    You can check any product page and its Quick View.

    Please check this and have this also fixed also.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    In this case, please enter the below code to the “Global Custom CSS” area that is in Theme Settings -> Custom CSS.

    .product-quick-view .product_meta .posted_in {
        display: none;

    I’d be happy to assist if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Kind Regards

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