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When updating theme options we get directed to wp-admin/options.php

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  • #166759


    We are using the child theme in a multi site network (for dev purpose) but each time we save theme options on admin.php?page=xtemos_options&tab=general_section we get redirected to wp-admin/options.php and no theme options save



    Make sure the parent theme is available for all the sites. If it is available, most likely child or parent theme has been installed or customized incorrectly.

    Best Regards



    Yes parent and child theme both marked as available for this site. Still same issue.

    Even when I activate main theme (not child theme) on save, it goes to WP-options page

    I have included my admin details so you can see.



    You have provided the wrong login. Please check and provide the valid one.

    Best Regards



    Sorry I pasted the Username Incorrect, the user name is below in private post.



    We need to check deeper, please provide us with FTP access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    OK access has been granted below.



    This issue is connected to the PHP max input vars limit parameter in your web server configuration. You can check the current value for this parameter in your Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> System status. Usually, this parameter So you will need to contact your service providers and ask to increase this limit. The recommended value for this is 5000 http://prntscr.com/qkrke8

    Best Regards



    Okay great – that is now resolved and fixed. I should have known better !

    thank you.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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