Hi i need whish list icon appear for logged out users also.Default there is option only to hide the whishlist icons which is a limitation as guest customers wont be knowing this feature .While adding items to whishlist it should redirect to a page informing them to login to add items to whish list
This topic was modified 6 months ago by rashida.vc.
Please clarify how the wishlist items should be updated for the logged-out users if they are unable to see the Wishlist. Explain in more detail, please.
They should view whislist icon but. on adding item to whishlist they need to get promt message to login rather than adding to whish list.
ie.,logged out users should only view icons .they shoudnt be allowed to add items.
This can be either a hover message to indicate it as a logged in feature
Thank you
This reply was modified 6 months ago by rashida.vc.
Okay, but now our option hides the wishlist button for the logged-out users. It works in such a way now and if you want to have the functionality you describe above, leave a future request here – https://woodmart.canny.io/feature-requests
Currently, to provide such functionality requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope.