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White margin in newsletter on Woodmart + Elementor

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  • #460818

    Jere L

    Hello everyone!

    I’ll use deepl to translate.

    I have a problem, I’m on Elementor + Woodmart, I’m trying to set up my newsletter, but I can’t seem to do what I want.
    Basically, I put a “block” of 2 columns, the one on the left is 35px and on the right 65px so it fits on the screen.
    On the left, I want a picture that takes all the space in height + left and on the right the form and the sentences that go with it.
    The “problem” is that I have a kind of “margin” (white) all around, I can’t figure out how to do it…
    Because in itself, I can “work around” the thing, but it depends on the screens, phones, etc., it does not and will not do the same at all…

    I put two screenshots so you can see what I mean.

    On the first screen, this is what I want to do.
    On the second one, this is the “problem” I have, I’ve been blocking on it for 3/4 days and not making any progress… 🙁

    Hoping to make it clear about the white “margin”….

    I’d like to find or make it clear that in the left block (column), I want to enlarge the image so that it takes up the whole block, without sticking out of the block, but without having any white around it… (like on screen 1) ^^.

    Sorry for the long story, but I can’t figure it out.
    I looked in the theme settings, in Elementor direct (on the page under construction)…

    Same thing for the mobile, what I have on the screen is not at all what I have in real on my phone, so I make a change, I refresh on my phone and I go like this… Except everyone has a different phone and a different screen size, so that won’t do it either…

    Anyway, please help! ^^

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Jere L.
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    Jere L

    Sorry, there are two screens… I don’t know how to remove the duplicate one.


    Luke Nielsen


    Glad to have you as a user of our theme!

    Is there any chance that you could give me access to the dashboard area so I can check the possible ways for adjusting the newsletter in such a direction as you want, please?

    Kind Regards


    Jere L

    Hello !

    Thank you for your answer.

    How can I do what you are telling me? Sorry, this is a first for me.




    Luke Nielsen


    Just send the access via the private area (that is below the message area): https://take.ms/58YG3

    Or do you mean that you don’t know your own access to the admin panel?

    Kind Regards


    Jere L

    Ok, i try it !


    Luke Nielsen


    I didn’t find that newsletter form from your screenshot but I suggest you import a ready-made template via WoodMart -> Prebuilt websites -> Additional pages -> Button with popup.



    Then just set your own image and contact form.

    Kind Regards


    Jere L

    Hello !

    Thank you for your feedback!

    The newsletter, I have it when I go to Theme Settings > General > Promo popup.
    Then I click on “Edit this block with Page Builder” and it gives what you saw on the screens.

    For the form, I use the one from “Contact form 7”.

    So, finally, according to you, do I first try to do what you told me?
    The goal here for me was to find the solution to the problem first, in case one day I have to do it for clients, so I can know.

    Thanks again to you!

    Have a nice day.

    Sincerely yours,



    Luke Nielsen


    If you haven’t deleted the popup from your screenshot, you can send me the link to it and I will check your own popup.

    I see that you started to do what I told you so in this case, instead of the “Mailchimf” element you need to define the “Contact form 7”. If you don’t have forms, please go to Dashboard -> Contact -> Add New.


    If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out, I’d love to help!

    Kind Regards


    Jere L

    Thank you again for your response, your speed and your kindness!

    I’ll send you the link to the old popup below, but it was by default in the theme settings, so I’d still be curious and very happy to know the solution to fix the old popup problem (just to enrich my pro and personal experience!).

    Thanks again very much!




    Luke Nielsen


    So in order to make the image full size, firstly you need to make the “Columns Gap” as a “Default” in the settings of the “Section”: https://take.ms/y5djS

    2. To the column with the image set padding as 0: https://take.ms/fcL2S

    3. For the Column with content set the padding with a 30 value: https://take.ms/wemxo

    Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

    Kind Regards


    Jere L

    Thank you again for your answer.

    After doing what you told me, it still doesn’t change on my side, when I refresh on the home page, I still have red “pieces” (red background that I put on purpose to realize the famous white border, etc.).

    I don’t understand why it’s not at all the same when I’m on Elementor, it looks “clean” so I update, I go to the home page, I refresh and then I see that it’s not the same…

    I put 2 screenshots, the first one in Elementor with what I see when I save and the second one on the homepage with what it looks like in “real”.

    Same for the little cross on the top right, I would like it to be on the top right of the popup and not on the top right of the site.

    Thanks again to you for giving me the other solution which seems to work, but understand that I don’t like to leave a problem unsolved.
    On the other hand, if it takes you too much time and we don’t find the solution, I will have to give up…

    Thank you.

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    Jere L

    Hello !

    How are you since yesterday? 🙂

    Just to tell you that I’m on the popup you advised me, except that when I try to modify things the way I want (image smaller than the text + add my text instead of the default), again, it doesn’t render at all the same on Elementor compared to when I refresh the page “in real life” on the homepage.

    I put 2 screenshots, the first one on Elementor and the second one when I refresh the real page.

    I think that someone who has a bigger or smaller screen (on a computer) might have a different vision than I have?
    I don’t know…

    Same thing on mobile, how to see/know?

    Sorry again and thanks to you!

    Have a good day and a good weekend.



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    Luke Nielsen


    I have added a negative margin for the section: https://take.ms/1s6q5 for disabling the default indentation from the popup, and then I have defined the “popup” button on the home page with a similar width as the section has in the Elementor, so as a result, it looks well, please check: https://take.ms/2Ynuo

    On the big screens, it will have the same appearance: https://take.ms/QrPYb

    Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any further help or any other info.

    Kind Regards


    Jere L

    Hello !

    Thanks again for your time.

    So, according to you, just put -30 margin in the section and the problem will be solved?

    Indeed, looking at your screen and videos, it looks great!

    I’ll try to keep working on it, hoping to take your time!

    Someone told me to go and add some code to put “padding” at 0px instead of 30px, I didn’t do it, I don’t know if you advise me or not? Since your solution seems to work?

    Anyway! I’ll keep going, hoping, once again, that there are no more problems on my side!

    Good day to you.

    Sincerely yours,



    Luke Nielsen


    Yep, the -30 margin fixed it. Also, you don’t need to add custom code for padding because by using the negative margin we fixed the padding with 30px.

    Feel free to reach out to me anytime when you have anything more to say.

    Kind Regards


    Jere L

    Hello !


    I’ll get this done as soon as I can later today, hopefully not coming back to you (that’ll be a good sign ahah)!
    We’ll just have to hope that there won’t be any problem on the mobile side.

    Thanks again to you.

    Have a good day and good luck!




    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! Always remember that you can reach out to us with any questions you may have.

    We wish you a splendid day!

    Kind Regards

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