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white page fault

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  • #523229


    Hello, I was using version 6 on my website without any problems, but an error occurred last week and I was asked to update it because the php version and the theme I had not updated were not compatible. I updated my website, your theme. Afterwards, the error was fixed, but now, even though everything is up to date, an error occurs due to the conflict between the theme and the PHP version and I cannot access my website. I am waiting for your support. I will leave my website link and cpanel information below.



    Giriş bilgilerimiz.


    Artem Temos


    Please, disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us with your admin access. We will log in and check what is wrong there. You can leave only the following plugins that are required for our theme:
    WoodMart core
    Elementor/WPBakery page builder

    Thank you in advance



    I left cpanel login information for you. I do not have access to the site, but you already have a login information inside.
    Please use cpanel to create your own login information to access the site. allowed.



    I cannot turn off the plugins because the site gives a white page error, but I would like you to try changing the plugin folder name instantly via cpanel. Full authority has been given.


    Artem Temos

    In this case, you need to rename all plugin folders to something like plugin-name-1 to deactivate them. Once your website is working, we will log in and try to activate the theme and related plugins to see if they cause any problems.



    Please take the necessary actions and do not wait for a response from me to make changes. You can make changes.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we don’t want to do changes on your website that are not related to our theme to not break anything. So you need to disable plugins that are not related to our theme first. As for plugins related to the theme and WoodMart itself, we can do this ourselves.

    Kind Regards



    Website not active when plugins are disabled


    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but we can’t find the file manager in cPanel. Could you please send us your FTP access so we can edit files directly? Also, when trying to enter wp-admin we get the following error https://gyazo.com/b4b35f7829beea38787de791dfe73b6b

    Kind Regards



    I am sending you my cpanel and wordpress login information so that you can solve my problem.



    this is file manager you can find from cpanel.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos

    You have outdated versions of theme-related plugins. Can we update them for you? We will keep all plugins that are not related to our theme temporarily off. Also, we found some malicious code in the child theme so we hardly recommend you to delete it https://gyazo.com/4e1827d11f8da04a19719fe44748da3a



    Hello, we kindly ask you to make the necessary arrangements. Additionally, we did not add these codings to this subtheme. We would also like information on how it happened.



    You can delete the updates that need to be made and the codes that need to be deleted. After completing all the operations, you only need to provide information about what you have corrected and updated. You have full authority for all updates and edits. We thank you.


    Artem Temos


    We have updated theme plugins and activated them. Your website seems to be working correctly now. Could you please test it from your end?

    Kind Regards



    Now I have activated all the plugins and continue my tests. I ask you, can you check again while the plugins are active to see if the same problem and malicious code has been installed? In addition, we always receive an error from the server that the theme is not compatible with the PHP version. We have also sent you the cpanel login information for you to check. Please check and inform. Thanks.


    Artem Temos

    We didn’t remove this code from your website. You can do this in the file themes/woodmart-child/functions.php. Note that this code doesn’t exist in our theme’s original files. We don’t know how it was added to your website and how it may affect it. It is just a recommendation to remove it from your website.
    Our theme is fully compatible with the latest PHP version. If you notice any errors or warnings caused by the theme, send us a screenshot and we will check and fix it in the theme.
    As for the initial problem, it doesn’t happen without plugins. So if it is caused by some of the installed plugins, you can enable them one-by-one to see which of them causes this error on your website.



    I think the meaning of the command is for the login plugin. That\’s why we haven\’t removed it for now. Also I still don\’t understand what the problem is. When the page starts giving a white screen error, we cannot do anything. We only rolled the site back 1 week and we haven\’t made any changes in the last week. Now only updates have been made. We cannot understand why it gives this white screen error. Could it be caused by the server? When an error occurs, it just gives a 403 error as you shared the screenshot before. In this case, we have to push it back 1 week without doing anything. We seek advice and support. I would like to emphasize again that no changes or installation of add-ons are made on the site. We continue as it is now. He did this twice so we had to let you know. If there is a plugin or a situation that is incompatible with your theme, we would like you to let us know. We are ready to do whatever is necessary to resolve it in different ways if necessary. Thanks.


    Artem Temos


    Do you mean that you found the plugin that causes this issue? As we can see, your website is working correctly now and most of the plugins are turned on. Have you uninstalled that plugin?

    Kind Regards



    Hello, no we did not detect anything. You received a 403 error while trying to log in. You provided screenshots in previous answers. What should we do when we get the same error? When we receive an error, we can only fix it by restoring the site, and we cannot do this constantly. This is how customer data is lost. We would like to ask for information about what may be causing the problem. We want to take precautions to prevent it from happening again.


    Artem Temos


    Currently, we don’t see this error and don’t know exactly why it appeared previously. If you face it again, let us know and we will check it again.

    Kind Regards



    now look. after just 1 day we can’t access.



    again same error. we didn’t do anything. you can access with c panel.



    Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_next_scheduled() in /home/wwwayakkabimalze/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-recovery-mode.php:99 Stack trace: #0 /home/wwwayakkabimalze/public_html/wp- settings.php(465): WP_Recovery_Mode->initialize() #1 /home/wwwayakkabimalze/public_html/wp-config.php(85): require_once(‘/home/wwwayakka…’) #2 /home/wwwayakkabimalze/ public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/wwwayakka…’) #3 /home/wwwayakkabimalze/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php(34): require_once(‘/home/wwwayakka …’) #4 {main} thrown in /home/wwwayakkabimalze/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-recovery-mode.php on line 99 Notice : is_embed function was called incorrectly. Conditional query code flags are not executed before the query is executed. Beforehand they always return false. Please see WordPress debugging section for detailed information . (This message was added in version 3.1.0.) in /home/wwwayakkabimalze/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6031 Notice : The is_search function was called incorrectly. Conditional query code flags are not executed before the query is executed. Beforehand they always return false. Please see WordPress debugging section for detailed information . (This message was added in version 3.1.0.) in /home/wwwayakkabimalze/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6031

    A critical problem has occurred on your site. Please check your site administrator email address for instructions.

    Get detailed information about troubleshooting WordPress issues.



    I updated the php version to 8.1 via cpanel. There was no change


    Artem Temos


    This error is generated by WordPress and not by the theme. We don’t know what happened but it looks like some PHP code files are missed or corrupted. You may try to restore a backup to fix this.

    Kind Regards



    Which version of PHP is this theme fully compatible with? 8.1?


    Artem Temos


    Yes, our theme is compatible with PHP 8.1 and 8.2.

    Kind Regards



    Do I need to update WordPress files to solve this problem?


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