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Widget Chatbot to Clientify Marketing CRM

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  • #516864


    Hey guys, I’m trying to put the JS script of a generated chatbot into my Marketing CRM, Clientify. I have inserted your -<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://api.clientify.net/web-marketing/chatbots/script/#####.js”></script>- code in the Theme Settings / Custom JS / Global custom JS section but the floating button does NOT appear on my website. Please let me know why the script doesn’t work. I have a test page where you can activate or deactivate what you consider necessary to discover it, attached url submission and access credentials

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    You shouldn’t place script opening and close tags in that area https://gyazo.com/c9fa18855d0fb53b5aa91e7d33b90baf




    Well, I’ve already put it without the opening and closing labels and it doesn’t work.


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    Or you mean leaving the line of code like this: type=”text/javascript” src=”https://api.clientify.net/web-marketing/chatbots/script/24###.js&#8221; ?

    Because that’s not how it works either




    The code written like this, without opening and closing tags doesn’t work either, could you please tell me then how I should put it



    I’ve used the Wpcode plugin – insert headers and footers + customs code snippets – wordpress code manager and when I’m logged in as an admin user, the script loads, but when I’m not logged in, it doesn’t load

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    I think it is your cache issue, please remove all sorts of cache from the site and server then deactivate the cache and CDN from the server then check back the site, I am sure your issue will be solved.

    Best Regards.



    I’ve waited a whole day to get this answer from you

    Yes, obviously it’s a cache problem, the problem is that this theme requires a caching plugin for its loading and performance times to be optimal, otherwise this theme is too slow and not optimized at all, therefore I have the LiteSpeed Cache plugin installed, compactable with the technology of my web hosting server. Now, I require its theme, but also this script and the LiteSpeed Cache plugin.

    Now, could you please tell me how I can exclude, either from your theme, from the WordPress core, in the .htaccess file, from the Lite Speed Cache plugin, how to exclude the loading of my script, PLEASE.



    Please ask the Wpcode plugin author about this how to exclude the snippet code from the cache. This issue is not related to the theme. It is te issue between the Wpcode plugin and Cache plugins.

    I hope you can understand our limitations and support policy about the 3rd party plugins.

    Best Regards.



    Okay, I understand your limitations with third-party support and plugins, but I’ve had to resort to this one because their Custom JS option doesn’t work. So in this case what I’m requesting is about the theme option, forget the third-party plugin Wpcode because I’m not using it and look at the Woodmart theme option. Therefore I ask you to please support me on how to make my script work using the “native” options of the Woodmar Custom JS theme.

    One of the reasons why I bought and paid for the Woodmart theme is just to be able to receive support from you



    I’m using the “native” options of the woodmart theme and it doesn’t work

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    I think you misunderstood that what the “Global custom JS” and “On document ready” fields are for. These fields are intended for pure JavaScript code. Example:

    let x;
    x = 6;
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;

    What you need is to connect the script file to the HTML page. These actions are not directly related to the custom JS code and are done completely differently.

    To insert the script to the site HTML, you needs to install the child theme and add the following code to into functions.php file:

    `add_action( ‘wp_footer’, function () {
    echo ‘‘;
    }, 100 );`

    I hope now you can understand it.

    Best Regards.



    Okay, I’ve pasted the code snippet into the functions.php of my child theme. Then I’ve created a new section in the footer of my page and I’ve inserted an html widget, I’ve inserted my script there, but it still doesn’t appear on the frontend.

    I send screenshots and login credentials to my site so you can see it with your own eyes

    What am I doing wrong, what or where am I failing?

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    Sorry for the incomplete code sent to you mistakenly, please use the below code:

    add_action( 'wp_footer', function () {
    		echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://api.clientify.net/web-marketing/chatbots/script/#####.js"></script>';
    	}, 100 );

    Best Regards.



    Perfect, thank you very much, case closed, after so much the answer was simpler than imagined. Thank you for the support. Case closed 😉


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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