— Please, can I get an answer from Aizaz or Artem? I wasn’t happy with the quality of Elises support several times —
Hi Aizaz and Artem,
I have a multsite install. On all subsites Woodmart is activated. And on all subsites products can be added to the wishlist. I understand when someone adds a product on subsite 1 it doesn’t appear in the wishlist on subsite 2. That’s actually I don’t want either.
But there is a small problem with the wishlist cookie I think. When someone adds a product on subsite 1 it also counts it as a wishlist add on subsite 2. Please see the screencast to see what I mean.
I did the same test with the compare function, but this problem happily not occurs with compare counter. Is there a way to solve this, because this can be confusing for our visitors who visit different subsites.
Kind regards,