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Wishlist is not working for guests

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  • #11910

    [email protected]

    Adding and removing wishlist items as a guest is not properly working. Sometimes it adds, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes when you add an item, it’s not there and sometimes 5 items are there that you haven’t added. Adding a wishlist item to the cart is the same way.


    Artem Temos


    We just tested your website and don’t see any Wishlist issues when we are logged off.



    [email protected]

    We have tested this issue with 4 different users spanning 3 different states: Arizona, Utah, and North Carolina. These users have never been to the Walnut Harbor website before, but they are all experiencing the same issue.


    1. Open Browser
    2. Go to http://www.walnutharbor.com
    3. Select the Wishlisht Icon (the heart) which displays 0
    4. When the Wishlist page has loaded, the heart remains at 0 but there are 2 items already added to the wishlist (Verona Area Rug and the Swallows Wall Decor; see image attached)

    These items should not be in the wishlist as the user has never added anything. This issue was duplicated on a Mac and PC, Chrome and Firefox.



    Artem Temos

    It seems that you are using some kind of caching plugin. Try to disable it or add wishlist page to the exceptions list. It shouldn’t be cached.


    [email protected]

    I went ahead and disabled the plugin for the wishlist page and that worked! I need the cache plugin on my website because we offer so many products.

    Are there any other pages I should do this same thing for? Do I need to disable the cache plugin on my cart and checkout pages as well?

    Thank you thank you!


    Artem Temos

    Yes, you need to disable cache for cart and checkout also.



    [email protected]

    Will do. Thank you so much for your help!


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome!

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