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Wishlist on Category Page

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  • #370850


    I have added a wishlist (My Favorites) menu item to the menu on my shop page (SEE IMAGE1).

    When I click on the menu item, it takes me to a different page (http://[website URL]/wishlist/) (SEE IMAGE2).

    I would like the wishlist to stay on the shop page and display products right there instead of changing the page.

    Please advise.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards



    I’m currently unable to provide access due to a recent issue we had when we gave someone the credentials.

    Let me rephrase the question and maybe you can explain how to accomplish this. As you can see in image 1, I have categories in the menu bar on the left. Whenever I click on a category, the website loads the products on the shop page.

    Since wishlist is not a category, I added it as a link in the menu item which takes the user to http://[websiste URL]/wishlist, which is a different page and the user is no longer on the shop page.

    I need a way for the wishlist items to load in the shop page. I know it’s definitely possible, I just need some advice as to how to accomplish this.




    The Wishlist is the functional page, please do not include it in any menu.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Makes sense. How about we somehow use the WooCommerce search query to return products that are in the wishlist?

    [Website URL]/?s=[product name]&post_type=product&product_cat=0

    Can’t we use the above search query to return items in the wishlist? Something like …

    [Website URL]/?s=post_type=product&product_cat=wishlist
    [Website URL]/?s=post_type=product&product_tag=wishlist

    I know wishlist is not a category or tage, but is there any arguments we can provide the query above so it returns wishlist items? This way, all the wishlist items will appear on the Shop Page instead of the wishlist page.




    Unfortunately, Woocommerce does not provide such an option by default. Such implementation requires complicated customization that is not covered by our support.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Makes sense. It is, however, critical to my project that I get this functional, otherwise I have to switch back to the Avada theme.

    I have another idea to make it work:

    Please see attached image… this is how the wishlist currently shows up. If we make the following changes, the wishlist would have the same appearance as the shop page:

    1. Remove the sidebar on the right that shows recent posts, instagram, etc.
    2. Replace the left sidebar/menu from My Account to Categories Menu.
    3. Make the page full-width.
    4. Make the header full-width.
    5. Make the footer full-width.

    I believe if we changes, the wishlist should resemble the Shop Page, and will solve the problem. I really appreciate your help in this matter.



    Please move your site to some kind of staging platform and provide access. If you just have added the Wishlist to the menu, it would lead to the Whislit page when you click it.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Not sure what you mean by, “If you just have added the Wishlist to the menu, it would lead to the Whislit page when you click it.” I have added the wish list to the menu (it’s renamed as My Favorites), and yes, it takes me to the wishlist page when I click on it. Ideally I would like to display the wishlist products on the Shop Page, but since this is not possible I believe we can make the wishlist look like the Shop Page if we make the five above-mentioned modifications.

    No need to move it to staging; you may work directly on the live website. It’s not live to the customers and we are doing daily backups, so go ahead and log in. Please find login info in the private content.

    Thank you!!



    I have checked the Wishlist works properly: https://gyazo.com/b280eb07f4b572af9f3dee3d98178348

    It is the way it works. You have added the page to the menu and you get to the page when it is clicked.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    We are talking about two different things. Let’s recap:

    My original request was to display wishlist items on the Shop Page, but since you told me it’s not possible, I would like to modify the appearance of the wishlist page so it looks like the Shop Page:

    Please help me make these changes to the wishlist page:

    1. Remove the sidebar on the right that shows recent posts, instagram, etc.
    2. Replace the left sidebar/menu from My Account to Categories Menu.
    3. Make the page full-width.
    4. Make the header full-width.
    5. Make the footer full-width.




    Such modification requires complicated Woocommerce code customization which is not covered by our support.

    Best Regards



    That’s disappointing because I know it doesn’t require any complicated code customization. I feel like you didn’t even read what I’m asking for:

    1. Remove the sidebar on the right that shows recent posts, instagram, etc.
    2. Replace the left sidebar/menu from My Account to Categories Menu.
    3. Make the page full-width.
    4. Make the header full-width.
    5. Make the footer full-width.

    #1,3,4, and 5 are simple functions of the theme…. you’re telling me you can give me a simple, one-line CSS code to make the wishlist page full-width?? And you can remove the BLOG and INSTAGRAM sidebar from wishlist? So all 50,000 of your customers MUST USE this sidebar on their wishlist page??

    If you don’t want to help that’s fine, but don’t bullshit me by saying that it’s not possible.

    Very disappointed.



    I am checking the Wishlist:

    1. Remove the sidebar on the right that shows recent posts, instagram, etc.

    There is no sidebar on the right. Most likely you have already removed it: https://gyazo.com/11d549d0f4d742dfa18f869c17834b26

    Replace the left sidebar/menu from My Account to Categories Menu.

    1. Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .woocommerce-MyAccount-content {
        flex: 1 0 100%;
        max-width: 100%;
        width: 100%;

    2. Set the sidebar for the Wishlist in the page options: https://gyazo.com/3a53acde5b7b105112a11b8c007639dc

    3. Create your custom Sidebar in the Dashboard > Sidebar

    4. Insert the menu widget in the custom sidebar in Appearance > Widget

    3. Make the page full-width.
    4. Make the header full-width.
    5. Make the footer full-width.

    Please create the preset as described here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/ set the full width in the Theme Settings > General layout.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I appreciate the detailed response!

    1a. The side bar is there… please see attached image. It’s showing up for both logged-in customers and guests.

    1b. The CSS code worked; left My Account sidebar is gone. Than you!

    I’ll take a look at 2,3,4, and 5 shortly, but just wanted to update you on 1a. Please advice.

    Thanks much!




    The Wishlist page now has the same appearance as the Shop Page:


    Just one minor thing:

    The wishlist shows 4 product columns. How do I display 5 columns just like my Shop Page does?



    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!



    The Wishlist page now has the same appearance as the Shop Page:


    Just one minor thing:

    The wishlist shows 4 product columns. How do I display 5 columns just like my Shop Page does?




    You can configure the Wishlist in the Theme Settings > Product Archives > Product grid. You need to use Theme presets to set it for the Wishlist only: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    Best Regards



    Perfect! Thank you, Elise.


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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