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Wishlist translation

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  • #165258


    I’m trying to translate Wishlist in the dropdown menu and the page itself “sidebar menu”.
    It always shown as wishlist not the arabic translation. I have translate it from string translation already.
    Another thing is that the wishlist page keep removed from time to time from “woodmart > shop > wishlist”

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    You need to translate the page and then synchronize the menu. Wishlist is translated as any other page in WPML.

    Best Regards



    I have already done that. I guess the problem when I choose from Woodmart > shop > wish-list the English version. It appears English in both and If I choose the Arabic. It appears Arabic for both as well.



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme (excepting WPML) and provide the site admin access to the private area I will check the settings. I will check the settings at my side it works correctly https://gyazo.com/d9d0c3facaae7c30b9bf5eec120dcde2

    Best Regards

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