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Wishlists Translate mail – unsubscribe link not available

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  • #411710


    Hello dear team,

    I use your wish list function with the information emails. I translated these into German.

    Unfortunately, the unsubscribe link is not displayed in the mail and I can’t find the setting in the customer account either.

    Can you help me?

    Warm regards




    Sorry to say but we didn’t exactly get your issue.

    Could you please elaborate it more with a video about what exact issue are you facing regarding the Wishlist function? So that we can better understand and assist you accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    There is no unsubscribe link in the email that goes to the customer below.

    Unfortunately, I can’t find this option in the customer account either. So a possibility that the customer can set in his customer account that he does not want to receive emails from the wish list.

    Unfortunately, I don’t know how to show this correctly in a video. I could only show you that there is no link and no way to set it up. 😉

    I hope you understand my problem now.

    Unfortunately, I can’t find a possibility in the documentation for the wish list.
    Warm regards




    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that.
    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Xtemos Studios



    Hallo liebes Team,

    aber warum habt ihr dann in euren Mails den Text für unsubscribe drin, wenn dieser keine Funktion hat?



    Hello dear team,

    But then why do you have the text for unsubscribe in your emails if it has no function?


    Artem Temos


    Our wishlist emails have the Unsubscribe button. Maybe you are talking about a different email? Could you please send us a screenshot of the letter that doesn’t have this button?

    Kind Regards



    Hallo liebes Team,

    ich habe ein Foto angehängt von der Mail, die an den Kunden geht, wenn ein Produkt der Wunschliste im Angebot ist.

    Dort ist zwar unten der Text, aber in der Mail, welche der Kunde erhält fehlt der Abmelden button (siehe anderes Bild).

    Ich habe euch die Zugangsdaten für meine Shop übermittelt, sodass ihr gerne direkt schauen könnt wo ggf. das Problem liegt.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    You forget to keep the necessary code %s after translating the text. Check this screenshot https://prnt.sc/Ol7P9p5wYSGR

    Kind Regards

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