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Woo Cart – Sumo Rewards Redeem button does not work

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  • #127945



    I realize this is the theme support, but I have been asking the plugin developer for help and they can’t find a problem on their end (works for them on their dev site).

    I changed the theme on my site back to Twenty Nineteen and the ‘Redeem Points’ button works as it should. With this theme, the button simply does not work.


    I can’t seem to figure out why, there are no errors in ‘Inspect’ so it is odd. The coupon button works fine btw.

    I’ve added info for a user login already with points to test on the cart page.

    Thank you in advance



    Artem Temos


    How exactly can we see this form on your cart page? We don’t see them now https://gyazo.com/c61d72f332243b2aeb923676c81b3d23

    Kind Regards



    Thank you for checking it out.

    You have to be logged in. In the last message, I gave login information for you to use which has points on the account. This will allow you to see the ‘Redeem Points’ box as shown in my screenshot.

    Also, just received the notification email and for some odd reason I was BCC’d and it was sent to someone else as well…very odd. Screenshot of this in ‘private section’. Please look into this as well as I highly doubt it should do that…

    Thanks in advance!


    Artem Temos

    Please, temporarily switch to default theme so we can see how it should work.

    Don’t worry about the email, it is correct.



    Alright, will switch for 5-10 minutes (hope that’s enough time) as the site looks incredibly broken with the default theme.

    And I appreciate the speedy replies, thank you 🙂


    Artem Temos

    We see that it has some JS that submit the form for reward points with AJAX when you click the button. But this script is not triggered when our theme is active. Sorry, but we can’t know why it doesn’t work since it is a plugin script. They should be able to check it quickly by debugging their scripts.



    (That was quick :))


    Unfortunately their support isn’t all that great, so i’m not sure if i’ll be able to get them to debug it further.

    It is odd that it works on the default theme though, no? So, if it were the plugin at fault, it shouldn’t work on the default theme either, I wouldn’t think. Odd how the JS code is not there for this theme…any pointers on how to maybe add that?



    Artem Temos

    It may be due to different DOM structure in our theme and default one. Anyway, it should be checked from their side. Maybe there is some wrong jQuery selector somewhere.



    Alright, I will go back to the plugin developers and try to get them to figure it out.

    I feel like I might have to spend hours myself trying to figuring it out…

    But thanks for the quick responses, definitely appreciate that.


    Artem Temos

    OK, contact us if you will have any extra questions.



    Just wish to update for anyone else using this theme & SUMO rewards:

    It was a configuration issue with the rewards plugin. The plugin had the ‘input’ box/button BELOW the cart box, which I guess makes it not recognize any AJAX calls. So under the plugins settings, clicking Advanced > Troubleshoot Settings > Redeeming Field display Position in Cart Page: Change to Left or Right side of Cart Box.

    This should make it work as intended.


    Artem Temos

    Thank you for sharing the information.

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