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Woocommerce Custom Taxonomy – Breadcrumbs, Page Title & Woo Sidebar

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  • #29001


    Hi again,

    I’m working on a redesign for a client, his previous theme was the classic Woo theme – Storefront. In that theme his custom taxonomy – Brands (created with the CPT UI plugin), showed up perfectly in breadcrumbs. But in your theme the breadcrumbs don’t work the same.

    My Questions:

    1. Can you help me get the breadcrumbs working so at least the deliminator (/) is in there between brands and the actual brand name?

    2. How hard would it be to change your template-tags.php code so that brand pages (custom taxonomy) are treated just like WooCommerce categories in that they a page title and the shop widget sidebar always present…for all brand pages. Basically how do I include the brands pages so they are included in all your WooCommerce shop pages styling and functionality?

    Like with the sub-category question from a previous post, if you clearly direct me I can probably edit the code myself.


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    Artem Temos


    Could you please provide us your FTP access so we can check is there something that we can do for you in this situation?




    Thanks so much for even just taking a look. πŸ™‚

    Because I’m on a wpengine dev site there’s no FTP access. But instead I’m using a plugin called WP File Manager which is very effective. It’s located in the admin sidebar and has total access to the theme and child-theme files. You can drag and drop files, copy over files, delete files etc.

    I also noticed something else about this custom taxonomy, the Main Widget Area sidebar position is fixed to the right of the brand pages, even though I’ve set the sidebar in General Layout to be on the left. I included screenshots.

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    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we can’t edit files with this plugin. Any changes we made are not applied.



    Sorry about that. Try logging into the development side instead: jacobands.wpengine.com

    Remove the β€œstaging” from the URL. Login is exactly the same across the board.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but editing with your plugin now not working because of an error in the PHP. Could you please try to rename the child theme folder to fix this? And as you can see, it is not possible to do any custom code work without an FTP access.



    I’m so sorry you wasted your time on this. I checked with wpengine and I was wrong, there is SFTP access for the staging side only. GOing to provide you with the details in the private section. Please give it another try when you can. THANKS!!!

    I just checked with my Filezilla and connected no problem. Let me know if you have any issues.


    Artem Temos

    Thank you. We have fixed brands achieves pages, check how they work now.



    I really don’t know what to say. You guys really go above and beyond! I’m impressed and also just really thankful that I purchased your awesome theme. Going to give you guys 5 stars right now on Themeforest. May you have many more sales to come. πŸ™‚

    Last question: is it hard to force the “Brands” breadcrumb to always point to the Brands page – in this case http://jacobands.staging.wpengine.com/brands ??? I was thinking the best way to go about this, would you write a function so the previous page URL is set as the URL for the Brands breadcrumb? Or is there an easier way? …and perhaps this is way beyond support at this point. πŸ™‚


    Artem Temos

    Thank you very very much for your kind review! πŸ™‚ It is much appreciated.
    We set the link in breadcrumbs, please check now.




    I’m embarrassed to say that I thought I would do it myself but then I must have copied over your work. Please upload your version of breadcrumbs.php again.

    Your welcome! It’s well deserved!!!


    Artem Temos

    OK, we have reuploaded it πŸ™‚



    Thanks again!


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome!

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