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woocommerce product add on problem

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  • #130748


    I have a plugin named Product Add-Ons which is Developed by WooCommerce in which user can upload images while ordering a product. The problem i am facing on https://memorablegifts.in/product/metal-photo-frame-keychain/ ( and similar product pages ) is when the user selects the file and upload it the picture or file is not uploaded on the server and also in every case the additional charged amount is not added to the cart value. In THIS SCREENSHOT https://gyazo.com/cae30c4db1f7e2891cef02b9e7407a04 i have added 2 pictures so the total cart value is 219 but after the user clicks on add to cart the value is shown as 199 only.

    i first reported to my hosting team. they told me that there may a error in the plugin.
    then i reported it to the plugin team they told me to make a stagging site and test with the default storefront theme. and my problem was solved . https://gyazo.com/6af335b9b82ada9ad49c77801f5d48e7

    the link for the stagging site is https://memorablegifts.in/stagging-site/?product=metal-photo-frame-keychain

    please see this issue and fix this. if you want more details please tell me



    and other information is on the staging platform only the theme was changed and no other plugin was deactivated. so it is now confirmed that the issue is in the theme and not due to any other plugin.



    Try to deactivate AJAX Add to cart in the Theme Settings > Product page and check the issue again.

    Best Regards



    It is working now . But i need to keep ajax add to cart feature on. Can you please solve this. I need this feature with ajax add to cart.



    Hey any update on why is it not working with ajax add to cart. The Normal ads to cart feature is not good. And i want ajax one only compatible with this. If you can fix this or provide me with any other solution . Like after adding the product to cart popup appears to checkout or view cart.


    Artem Temos

    Our AJAX add to cart function is not working with plugins that add extra fields to the form.



    are you thinking to fix this ? or can i use any other ajax add to cart plugin ?


    Artem Temos

    You need to contact plugin’s developers for help in this question. Actually, any custom AJAX add to cart plugin will not work with this add on.

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