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WoodMart 6.3 beta test. Join and get 3 extra months of the support period.

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  • #351741


    Hello Artem,

    Everybody is facing these problems, initially –

    1. The layout option is not available in Dashboard, after installing Beta Version.
    2. As well, as The option to update the Core plugin, is also not showing up.

    So, would not it be better, to update the Beta Version itself, in a way, so that the Layout option can be seen directly after installation.
    Or else, atleast, the option to update the Woodmart Core plugin could be shown.
    And then Re-upload that Beta-version again in this Thread. So that atleast New users won’t face this same issue.

    3. Other than that, you are suggesting –

    You need to uninstall it first. And then install again via Appearance -> Install plugins.

    Question is – Once after uninstalling (Deleting) it, how can we install it back. Where can we find the Woodmart Core plugin file separately.

    I could not even find that Woodmart Core plugin within the 6.3 package zip file.
    Probably missing something. Can you please guide a little. Or with screenshots, that would be really helpful.


    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by harshwe.


    I installed, But add to cart Sticky on mobile and desktop separate and remove sticky quantity input.


    Artem Temos

    Hello @CyberDome

    Please, create a separate topic and send us your admin access so we can check the problem.

    Kind Regards



    That is very interesting .
    WoodMart is the best theme with always new features.
    I will try it.

    Thank you!



    when i try top open patcher i get this massage

    Something went wrong during patch installation. Theme slug is missing. Please, try again later.



    The latest update is really nice.



    Hello! 🙂

    I’m really excited for this update, and have joined in on the beta testing.

    I unfortunately do not have any staging / development sites available, so I will push this to the main site & test for any bugs then revert back to 6.2.4 and post back here to let you know what I’d found.

    Thank you so much for all your work & effort put into this theme to everyone at Xtemos! 😀



    I installed the new version now. How can I recreate a single product page? Do you have a resource for this?



    Tried installing beta on my staging site, failed to import layout repeatedly. What did I miss?



    Artem Temos


    You can find our product page builder in Dashboard -> Layouts. Note that you need to update the WoodMart core plugin to the latest version also. And enable WPBakery for the new post type.

    Please, create a separate topic with your admin access so we can check what is wrong.

    Kind Regards



    i saw this version and install it on my new website
    i saw more new options
    but somthing need fix !
    dont have any alignment for widgets on elementor ,this is new issue when elementor updated last version plz compatible with that and…

    Give my reward 3mounth extra 🙂

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    Artem Temos

    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for being a part of our beta-test 🙂 We will reward everyone when the test period will over.

    Kind Regards

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by Artem Temos.

    [email protected]

    The new version is great and the new features are quite useful.
    There are a few problems with it though:
    1. When importing elements the styles are not imported from the primary color but the colors remain from the imported page (this was useful because I could import elements without having to change styles manually)
    2. When using elementor Pro there are a few bugs like for example the information box doesn’t work properly (it removes the “Text alignment and Icon alignment from the style options)
    3. Under Header builder if you want to change the logo you cannot add files (some bug). I have to go to media, add the logo and then choose it in the header builder.


    Artem Temos

    Hello @[email protected]

    Thank you very much for your report. We would like to ask you to create a new topic and let us investigate all the issues on your website. And answer our questions, please:

    1. Please, send us some screenshots so we can better understand what do you mean.

    2. Make sure that you installed the latest beta version posted recently.

    3. Send us your admin access so we can check on your side.

    Kind Regards



    After update i get no centered icon and breadcrumbs


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    4 BUGS below, including 1 that was already reported previously but not fixed.

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    Hello Artem,

    Here is a new archive with a lot of new fixes based on your reports https://bit.ly/35C6bFV

    Can you please share the details of the changes that have been made or updated in this New Archive (in a separate Change log file).

    That is a new updated Changelog (in same Google Drive location) would have been easy for better understanding.
    Otherwise, nobody will come to know, what changes have actually been made in every New archive and Until which of our reported posts. Every user has posted according to what they have found, so there should be clarity and details for each update within the Changelog.
    Would highly appreciate, if can be done.

    That way, every user can get confirmation and a sort of assurance. Thereby, sparing our time too.
    And if at all require, one can try to verify only those updated changes, separately.

    And then, can focus on other areas.


    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by harshwe.

    Jeriss Cloud Center

    In the changelog, the images of the below point is not good.

    ADDED: New product categories design – “Mask with subcategories”. (Theme Settings (Screenshot) (Screenshot)WPBakery (Screenshot))

    ADDED: New product design “Popular products” for “Products(grid or carousel)” element. ((Screenshot)Elementor) ((Screenshot)WPBakery)

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    Jeriss Cloud Center

    I don’t understand what means “New elements in WPML config.”
    Please clarify this


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    I gave a try to the new Layouts builder but I don’t understand. I don’t get how it works. The onlye explanation we have is this in your first post on this forum but it’s not enough to understand. Please clarify how it works. Thanks

    The main new feature added in our new version is WooCommerce Layouts Builders. Now you can build your shop page, single product page, cart, and checkout pages with Elementor or WPBakery page builder. You don’t need to purchase any additional plugins for this like Elementor PRO. All necessary elements are included in our theme and support all our theme’s standard features. Find this functionality under the “Layouts” section in your WordPress dashboard. Documentation for this topic will be added soon.


    Artem Temos


    You can read a draft of our new documentation for the “WooCommerce Layouts Builder” here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Azl3XfL1ftOX8_6JwSK3orvC4BJkqJg0V30eX4NWtbg/edit
    We hope it helps you understand how to use the new functionality and create a custom shop, product, cart, and checkout page.

    Kind Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Staging credentials below




    my current issue is, that the maintenance page on the desktop version isn’t showing properly.
    Also, I’m being redirected firstly to the registration page, which isn’t working either.




    Hi Team,

    I have joined beta program but I still do not see extra 3 month added to my support. Can you please look into this?


    Artem Temos


    We will reward everyone with extended support period when the test period will over and new update will be released. Hope to complete it next week.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you very much @Artem. Waiting for the new version to go live.



    I installed. I will play around to see if I can find any bugs.



    This is a wonderful theme but I feel like you guys need to put more effort into the product review section as this is an e-commerce theme and reviews are important to customers. Therefore, I hope you guys work on the review section in this new update. If not, at least add a lazy load button(Load more) for review because I think a Lazy Load button for product reviews would be an awesome feature because if you have 1000+ reviews on a product then you have to scroll through all of the reviews in order to get to the bottom of the page. This is not ideal for such a great theme.




    1.If we put product slider in accordion the image will not load when we open accordion if it is lazy loading on.

    2.If you shrink the screen when the vertical slider on product image gallery is used, the display is not ok until a refresh is done

    3.It would be great to implement ajax for (❤1) a number of favorite products to work with the cached version

    4.It would be great to implement ajax drop down (👤) login / control panel to work with caching

    5.It would be great to implement ajax loading of comments and form

    With 3,4,5 implemented, a cached version for logged-in users could be used, so the site would become extremely fast and could match pwa sites and would use fewer server resources



    i tried on the site and got an error related to the header. I replaced the 6.3 with the current stable version. I recently moved my hosting so there is no staging right now.

    I will setup the staging again and will share the access.


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