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Woodmart design menu feature affects font

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  • #151850


    Hi. When in Appearance -> Menus I change “design” feature for top level menu navigation submenu font is affected. When “design” is set to default submenu text is in regular font, when I set “design” to “full width” or “set sizes” submenu text is capitalized and darker colour is used.
    This makes no sence to me. Getting desired uniform look for menu becomes complicated due to this issue.
    Looks like when menu “design” is set to default submenus are automatically styled as 3rd tier menus, while when it’s changed to “full width” or “set sizes” subenus are styled as 2nd tier element.
    Screenshots below.

    P.S. I don’t want to use mega menu with WPBakery html block – it’s just an overkill for the task



    Also when I use “set size” and “full width” options longer submenu text is still shown on two lines even if it’s plenty of free space for it. Take a look at this example – https://prnt.sc/pn90m3


    Artem Temos


    Yes, when you use large size for the menu dropdown, the second level of the menu items are styled as subtitles to achieve the following look https://gyazo.com/b6e257c2c8d2cf2cac99c3896d1aee38




    OK, what about the second issue – https://prnt.sc/pn90m3 ?


    Artem Temos

    Because the dropdown is divided into columns, again, check the screenshot I sent you to understand how it is styled.



    Makes no sence to me. Why the dropdown is divided into two columns if the content is in only in one column?



    OK, looks like I’ll have to use mega-menu. A few questions about it:
    – how I can make 3rd tier items indented?
    – is iy possible to not underscore on hover plain text items (without link to some page)?


    Artem Temos

    It is how we designed our theme and we can’t change this. If you need one column only you need to use “Default” style. Full width and custom sizes are designed to use with multi-columns.



    If you need one column only you need to use “Default” style.

    The problem is that when you use both default size and custom sized columns you get inconsistent style. So even for rather simple menu you have to use mega-menu functionality to get consitent look.

    Please, answer these questions about mega-menu:
    – how I can make 3rd tier items indented?
    – is iy possible to not underscore on hover plain text items (without link to some page)?


    Artem Temos

    1. Could you please provide a screenshot what do you call 3rd tier items and how do you want make them indented?

    2. Please, provide a screenshot for these items too.

    Thank you



    Please check scrrenshot with explanations:


    Artem Temos

    You can try to achieve this building the mega menu dropdown with HTML Blocks and WPBakery Page builder. Otherwise, it is designed differently and we can’t change the whole design.



    I understand that. I am asking about mega-menu built with HTML blocks and WPBakery.


    Artem Temos

    You can use some kind of title element for the first line and add some padding or margin to the menu list for the third level if you build the dropdown with the WPBakery page builder.

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