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woodmart gallery addon to elementor generate wrong html code

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  • #591957



    i’m using elementor extension – gallery and i see that html code is wrong. As You can see there is

    data-width= and alt= without space before so its generate error in code could be wrogn to google crawler and seo problems

    <div class="wd-gallery-item wd-col">
    													<a  href="https://domain.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/180605155659_20180603-20180604_141.jpg"data-width="1000" data-height="667" data-index="29" data-elementor-open-lightbox="no">
    						<img decoding="async" src="https://domain.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/180605155659_20180603-20180604_141-300x200.jpg"alt="180605155659_20180603-20180604_141">


    May be there is an issue with the 3rd party plugins. Please deactivate all the 3rd party plugins and activate only theme-required plugins on the site and then check the issue. I am sure your issue will be solved. Then Activate the 3rd party plugins one by one and check which plugin is creating the issue for you.

    Otherwise, if the issue still exists then keep the 3rd party plugins deactivated and share the WP admin login details of your site so I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.




    Problem still exist, please look at the page – data to login in private section



    We have fixed this issue on your site, and it will also be resolved in the next update.

    Best Regards.




    Thanks for fix with space before alt=

    but still remains issue with no space before data-width after .jpg”

    <a href="https://domain.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/180430164546_017.jpg"data-width="1200"

    it could be great if You can fix this too

    best regards

    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by studiowena.


    We have fixed the issue, now please check the site after removing the browser cache.

    Best Reagrds.




    Thanks for resolving this problem

    have a nice day


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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