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Woodmart header builder

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  • #452325


    i have a problem with the header section (top bar).
    Basically I would like the writing to appear in full width (see attached image).
    Can you help me?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by LucaDiCa.
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    Unfortunately, there is no option to make one row of the Header full-width. You can make the whole header full-width: https://gyazo.com/c0dff3e7ac10b77c04fd5382e497879d

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I tried toggling that setting, but it didn’t change anything.
    Isn’t there a way to get the full row effect?



    Now your header is full-width. Could you kindly clarify?

    Best Regards



    ok, the header is full-width, but there is still a space in the initial part (see attached photo).

    Other than that, I would like to ask if you know how to make the text loop inside this header.

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    This padding is important for all the Woocommerce templates, to remove it from the home page you need to add this negative margin to the first section if you use Elementor https://prnt.sc/uhivji or set margin-top:-40px in the upper row settings: http://prntscr.com/lexqqs for WP bakery page builder.

    Best Regards



    Other than that, I would like to ask if you know how to make the text loop inside the header.



    You can create an HTML block: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/html-blocks-usage/

    Then you can add any content there and insert it into the header.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I imagined this, I was wondering if you could help me in a practical way on how to set up the block and possibly if it was necessary to insert some code to obtain the desired effect.



    Our support does not cover creating or configuring the content, but at the same time will help you in minor changes.

    Add the block into the header and let us know how you want to correct it.

    Best Regards

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