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Woodmart Mega Menu issues and Side cart issues

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  • #491558


    Hi everyone,

    I am currently working on creating a new webstore. My old one was outdated and I wanted to start fresh and use the Woodmart theme. All has been going well so far, but I am running into two “irks”.

    Number 1: I use the HTML blocks to create the Mega Menu. This is looking really well. But I am running into an issue. Like the first dropdown is fine, I can add a link or a non follow to that, just in case people click on it. I attached the HTML block to the dropdown. There if people press on the main item, it tends to open the HTML block to full screen. I seem to not be able to change this to a non-follow #link or like an actual link. Both options would be better. Because the HTML block was made for the menu, it looks really weird that it is opened full screen and is very bad for UX. Does anybody know how to add a #link or link to the main item. It seems to be either or, like if you want to use a HTML block, it can only link to the HTML block itself.

    Number 2; I love the side cart, but in my store people tend to buy a lot of items. I am a wholeseller of parts. And the mini cart is limited in the maximum amount of products it is showing. This is kind of a bummer, but I fully understand this to be necessary for the pages to be able to remain low weight and load well. That would be okay, I would just instruct my customers to click to the full cart to check their order if they would need to. But what is a problem is that products seem to be added below not above the latest added item. This makes it so that when the side cart is full, it seems like there are no products being added anymore and customers cannot verify if they added the item correctly or perhaps correct the quantity. Is there anyway to make it top loading? Like adding products at the top? I couldn’t find this option. Is there a way to add some code to do this?

    I hope some has had these problems as well and is able to help me out πŸ™‚ Thank you guys so much in advance already



    1. Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    2. Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .cart-widget-side .woocommerce-mini-cart {
    	display: flex;
    	flex-direction: column-reverse;
    .cart-widget-side .woocommerce-mini-cart > li {
    	border-top: 1px solid var(--brdcolor-gray-300);
    	border-bottom: 0;

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    I added the CSS. It seems to turn the cart around, but only the first 20 items that were visible, not the actual bottom of the cart. So additions are still not visible at the top of the cart πŸ™‚ I have added the details you requested. Hope you can help me out. I also see support is running out, how could I extend?

    Kind regards,



    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards



    I already sent the info in private. But here goes again πŸ™‚ . Hope this time the information in private reaches you.

    Also have a third issue now; I do wish to use a different menu for the desktop version and for the mobile version. But it seems the mobile version can have two menu’s. One additional one, but the first one seems to be inhereted. However on the desktop version I work with a mega menu and this does not work in the hamburger operated menu I now see on mobile. When people click on a link they get the mega menu html block. Also navigation on mobile needs some small adjustments compared to desktop. Why can’t I choose the primary menu?



    Hi, did you get my message? I know the post was older, because I had to upgrade support πŸ™‚ Would love to hear from you πŸ™‚ Now I cannot continue with website.



    Please replace the pages with custom links: https://monosnap.com/file/ut3hL6b5QxtW5ANRGr16MNQP5OOJBA and select the custom HTML block: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/create-mega-menu/

    Please remove the custom CSS and add this code to the functions.php of the child theme:

    if ( ! function_exists('wd_revers_cart_content')) {
    		function wd_revers_cart_content( $cart_contents ) {
    			if ( $cart_contents && is_array( $cart_contents ) ) {
    				$cart_contents = array_reverse( $cart_contents );
    			return $cart_contents;
    		add_action('woocommerce_before_mini_cart_contents', function () {
    			add_action('woocommerce_get_cart_contents', 'wd_revers_cart_content');
    		add_action('woocommerce_after_mini_cart', function () {
    			remove_action('woocommerce_get_cart_contents', 'wd_revers_cart_content');

    Best Regards



    Thank you this fixed the problems


    You are welcome!

    Wish you a wonderful day!



    Hi Elise,

    The fix is great. But I think something changed in the latest update. I do still get the products adding at the top, but I do think the mini cart now immediately loads all products that are in the cart. Not latest 20 pcs for example. Since my customers quite often have a very large cart (since my products aren’t total products but materials for making their own products, lots of parts), this slows down the website significantly when the cart increases. Can it be set to only show the latest 20 pcs?

    Thank you so much in advance!



    The mini shopping cart functionality works as Woocommerce assumes. Please check the issue on the Storefront to see that. You can try to search for a plugin to change a default Woocommerce functionality.

    WoodMart theme customizes a view but does not change the basic functionality.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    I do not understand what you mean. At first your theme only used to show the last 20 items. Adding until 20 items at the bottom. Now we have reversed it. And it shows way more than 20. Why is this? This makes the pages run very slow.

    Kind regards,




    WoodMart theme and any other theme is just the site skin assuming the site design and view. Any theme doesn’t influence the Woocommerce functionality. You will need to find a plugin to customize Woocommerce as per your needs to achieve your purpose.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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