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WOODMART Sidebar Mega Menu collapsible ?

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  • #231452


    1. Can I make WOODMART Sidebar Mega Menu collapsible (3 short lines to open menu) on mobile devices just like main menu on top?
    2. Menu comes after page content (at bottom) is this normal?



    Can you please share the screenshot of your issue for better understanding also share the site URL as well?

    Best Regards.



    Url is https://tdmmakina.com/hortum-uretimi/
    And screen shot is: https://yadi.sk/d/rXdvrVh1mAORyw

    Browse it with mobile size and you will see menu is still there.



    Yes, you can add the menu in the mobile view from Woodmart >> Header Builder >> Edit the Header which you are using on the site and then edit the mobile header >> Edit the menu: http://prnt.sc/uuq0ke

    then Enable the Categories menu and select the menu which you want to show:

    Otherwise, it is not possible to do it only for one page without customization. And sorry, but we could not help you with this because it requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Best Regards.



    When I add a second mobile menu to mobile version of header, It also changes first mobile menu. Why? For example, I set it to show categories on second mobile menu, but categories tab also shown on first mobile menu.



    Could you please elaborate with the help of some relevant screenshots of the specific area which are facing the issue to check it myself and help you out accordingly?

    Best Regards.



    This is normal mobile menu which renders normal on mobile with no categories menu:
    Settings: https://yadi.sk/i/EH8b0DWd4Zg6Lw
    Mobile: https://yadi.sk/i/UMBN59nBDSD13g

    Here I add a second menu https://yadi.sk/i/EYmy1w9cToLyXA as mobile menu and set it to show categories. And as expected it shows categories: https://yadi.sk/i/7jpKX7qPsUBzZA

    But first mobile menu then also shows categories https://yadi.sk/i/32s1H9jAE5s9_w which is not set to be so.



    Please deactivate all the third-party plugins, activate the parent theme then clear the cache and check back.

    If the problem continues then leave all the third-party plugins deactivated and provide admin panel login details of the website with the permissions to debug then we will troubleshoot with the theme plugins.

    Best Regards.

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