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woodmart slider and pictures coming troubled

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  • #109460


    First of all you have built a perfect theme. Health in your hand.

    I have a few problems after the last update.
    -Slider comes halfway. The top svg images are small.
    -The dimensions are self-restoring with the Ctrl-F5 refresher. But the 2 and 3 sliders are again half-way. Problems are still going on when page F5 is done.

    at the store part
    How can I create a sliding price filter?

    Thanks already for your help.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin access so we can check it? Also, go to Dashboard -> WoodMart -> CSS generator and regenerate the file.

    Thank you in advance



    Hello there,
    I did what you said. At the end of the problem I found and removed the cache software. I switched to litespeed cache. I’m out of those problems right now.

    I couldn’t find a single slide price filter.



    You can find the widget in Appearance > Widgets > http://prntscr.com/mpqc6u

    This widget presets the price in the slider as shown http://prntscr.com/mpqcyo

    Best Regards

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