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Woodmart theme customization

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    Hello, I am having some problem to customize some portion based on padding, margin and some css related staff. I can’t figure out how to do that? It’s on homepage.
    Here is the screenshot:

    Maybe for Padding and margin, I can’t make the heading in one line. Also, after making same size width *height some icon is not aligned center and there is no option to do so. I couldn’t figure out this flexibility to do so. I have used Information Box to make this design. I am hoping your quick response.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Our theme is based on page builder plugins: WP bakery page builder or Elementor. Thus all the margins and padding are provided insider elements/widgets.

    Here is documentation on Elementor: https://elementor.com/help/

    As for the images, please check and make sure the image is placed proportionally on the canvas.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your response. I am using elementor for this. I have tried all way to fix this as I know elementor. But can’t figure out the issue. I think there is no demo like this in your theme so that I can have the idea.

    I didn’t use image, it’s icon which is attached with theme. As alignment, and proportion is not defined here I think it should work from inheritance of theme. I only can make size (width:height)



    I am checking and see that distance is the same: https://gyazo.com/df6544bd0bd78d94d4ecdfe69f5ab66d

    The demo images may vary in a couple of pixels they are provided just a sample.

    Please describe the problem you have now.

    Best Regards



    The space from left side is okay and equal this is not a problem. The problem is I can’t make less space so that I can make the heading in one line. The problem is in content positioning. If you could check from dashboard from my end would be better.
    Here is the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/10spqxn (I think if I can decrease left padding it would be aligned automatically)




    The paddings and margins are set automatically depending on the content. If you upload the equal length of the text and the same image size, all the blocks would have the same padding.

    I can suggest setting the fixed height for each text block and it would help to get the sample padding, however, there is a disadvantage: the shorter text would have a gap.

    Here is the demo: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/infobox/ you can see how it looks when the content is the same length in all boxes.

    Best Regards




    I didn’t do the previous style without custom code. Anyway, now it’s solved. I want some other Guidelines about the search bar and Product categories.
    The search bar is not round what I have seen in the demo but after installing the demo here is the search bar: https://prnt.sc/10w7471 I want to make it flat with a slight radius.
    Like this: https://prnt.sc/10w7did

    Also in the product category: I want to hide the product count. https://prnt.sc/10w75yk And make look like this: https://prnt.sc/10w798x
    I think it can be done via custom code but I can’t find the way to do it.




    You can set the shape of the forms in the Theme Settings > Styles and colors > Forms. If you want to add a slight radius only to the search form, add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .whb-column .woodmart-search-form input[type=text] {
          border-radius: 10px;

    You can set the category style in the Theme Settings > Product category styles. As soon as you sent it, provide the page URL I will give you CSS to hide the product number.

    Best Regards



    Thank you so much. Everything was almost in theme settings available. But due to lack of understanding, I couldn’t do.

    Anyway, I have done it now. But is it possible to make the category like this? https://prnt.sc/10w798x
    The product category title is inside the box not outside the box.
    I like woodmart much for bunch of options and flexibility.




    Please set the “Alternative” design and disable the shadow, I will provide the custom to make close to the design you wish.

    Best Regards




    I have set the alternative style but the shadow is removed. I need the shadow to be remained.
    Best Regards



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .cat-design-alt .wrapp-category {
        box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%);

    Best Regards




    Thanks a lot for your continuous support. I am glad to work comfortably with your assistance.
    Can I continue this reply with different topic or I need to create new topic? I need to know about visible search bar on mobile. Now it’s not visible on mobile version. Also want to know about proper image size for products. I have seen in documentation is 800*1200 but it’s not perfect after uploading.




    Please create a separate topic on each separate issue, it would be easier to help.

    Waiting for your questions.

    Best Regards

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