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woodmart with dokan, coupon not work

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  • #199815

    Toni Tarres

    I think I have found a bug in woocommerce coupons when there is dokan extension enabled.
    My website is working correctly, but today I tried to register a coupon in the control panel of a dokan seller.
    The coupon has been created successfully. The characteristics of the coupon are:
    Name: Juny10
    type: single discount of € 10
    minimum purchase: € 50

    When trying to apply this coupon, the coupon apply it backwards. In other words, apply the coupon if the purchase is less than € 50.
    If you disable the dokan plugin, then it works properly.

    I don’t know who has to solve the problem, if you or wedevs (dokan creator), but I bet to use woodmart + dokan, after asking both if they were fully compatible.

    I send you more information in the area of “private content”.


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    Artem Temos


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?





    I have the same problem … managed to solve?

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