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WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget not functionning properly

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  • #603837



    The “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget” used in the sidebar of my product categories pages is not working as it should. I am using the “AND” Query Type, but the “OR” behavior is used instead.

    Please see this page : https://planete-vintage-o2su.info/collections/plaques-metal-vintage/ to check this out.



    The “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget” applies filters based on product attributes (like size, color, etc.) using either the AND or OR query type.

    OR Query displays products that match any of the selected attributes. And Query shows products that match all selected attributes. Try to add WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget for more attributes and check the query type.

    Best Regards



    Hello, I already know about that… that’s why I explained that the “AND Query” is not working as it should. It seems you did not read my post carefully, neither did you test the sidebar in the URL I shared.

    Here is the config of the widget : https://prnt.sc/VUAiZPHq_EAj

    You can replicate the bug by doing those steps :

    1) Go to : https://planete-vintage-o2su.info/collections/plaques-metal-vintage/
    2) Use the sidebar to apply “AND” filters and you will see that it does not work the way it should.




    This is the Woocommerce functionality and it works the same way as in the default Woocommerce filter.
    Please check how it works with the default Woocommerce filter.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    What are you talking about ? No, it should not work like that.

    That’s the WOODMART filter, not the woocommerce filter. Did you make the tests as I explained ?



    To clarify, these are not woocommerce tags, but attributes called “tags”. Accordingly, it should work the way intended by using the “AND Query” feature in WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav widget

    See this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/hxYDIjorbx9V

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by daivy.merlijs.


    Please replace the Woodmart filters with the default Woocommerce filter widgets and check how it works.

    Best Regards



    Omg, your answer is once again totally irrelevant to what I said.

    I’m using the WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav because I need the widget’s own functionality (in particular the checkboxes and the search function). Otherwise, I would have used the Woocommerce filter widget.

    I would like someone other than you to analyze my problem since you don’t seem to take into account or read what I’m telling you.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by daivy.merlijs.


    This functionality you are referring to is how WooCommerce filtering works by default. It may not behave exactly as expected because WooCommerce handles filters in this way. Unfortunately, this is the standard functionality and not a bug in the theme.

    Here you can check the same behavior on our test site.

    Also I have added the default woocommerce widget in the sidebar. You can check the same behavior with this.

    Best Regards



    The funny thing is that the test site that is supposed to show me that I’m wrong actually only confirms what I’ve been trying to explain all along.

    The more filters there are in an “AND Query”, the fewer results there should be, as they will become more and more specific according to the filters applied…

    This is what I’ve been trying to show you via my screenshots, so I’ll repost them again as it seems you haven’t checked them. Here’s what you need to do :

    First, go to : https://planete-vintage-o2su.info/collections/plaques-metal-vintage/

    And follow these instructions I wrote on the screenshots :

    1) https://prnt.sc/V2_uqcY0nls8
    2) https://prnt.sc/xFFjucjwbfaM
    3) https://prnt.sc/clYBDuJTHnpe

    Third screenshot explains the details of the problem.

    If you still don’t understand, please assign the ticket to another person.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by daivy.merlijs.


    It seems the problem is because of the “encode url” function.

    Your test website is using “%2c” (decoded as “,”) while my website is using a clear “,” which is probably the issue.

    Please take a look at the pictures.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by daivy.merlijs.
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    Your issue has been solved. Actually you have not selected the shop page from the Woocommerce >> Settings >> products: https://ibb.co/zQWhhxk

    Please check the site now after removing the browser cache.

    Best Regards.




    Thank you ! Problem fixed. Thanks for listening to me.

    Have a nice day.


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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