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WPBAkery and woodtheme.

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  • #61992


    So I had developed my site on an AWS instance with no issues.

    I have now migrated to my prod site (maintenance page up) but I am having a few issues.

    The Customiser doesn’t work unless I disable WPBakery.

    I have also noticed I don’t have the option for WPBakery on my HTML blocks.

    Am I able to get some help quickly?


    Artem Temos


    Please, describe us your problems in a bit more details. Attach some screenshots and provide us a list of steps how to reproduce it on your website. And please, provide us a correct admin access since the one you sent is not working for us.

    Thank you in advance.



    Mark as resolved. I update my php version + edited the WPBakery options to add HTML Blocks.


    We are glad you have solved the issue. If you have any questions please contact us.

    Best Regards

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