Home Forums WoodMart support forum WPBakery – BUG WITH THE BUTTON "CUSTOM CSS"


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  • #146826

    Jeriss Cloud Center


    The issues reported is again a different one.

    This ticket here details a bug from WPBakery itself. When you go in the provided page in private, you’ll see that the button “Custom CSS” doesn’t open at all and causes a F12 Console error : TypeError: this.element.style is undefined

    As you’re the provider of this plugin with the theme, I expect you to (1) forward this point to the WPBakery support team for urgent fix and (2) to provide me a workaround to fix this issue in the meantime because I am completely BLOCKED from working. You cannot accept situations where your users are blocked.

    I’ve created a staging (link provided in private) where you’ll see the issue occuring altough :

    – Cloudflare in DEV mode
    – All plugins disabled
    – All customizations disabled
    – Theme switched to Storefront


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Strange, but the main JS file required for the plugin is removed on your server and it doesn’t work at all https://gyazo.com/082b6e91048bf6e30ffa33188464074e



    Jeriss Cloud Center

    I already tried to delete and reinstall the plugin.

    Please provide the missing file and where it should be added.


    Artem Temos

    Try to download the plugin from your account page on our xtemos website and extract the file from there. Write us if the file is missed there and send a screenshot.

    Thank you


    Jeriss Cloud Center


    I just checked and yes the file you mention is there in my file manager. Check by yourself first before asking me.

    1) I just tried to delete all the files contained in the folder you refer to and upload new version, but issue is still there.

    2) I just tried to completely delete the plugin and reupload fresh version of the plugin, but the issue is still there.

    Investgate and fix this!



    Jeriss Cloud Center


    What’s the news? I’m still blocked from working.
    Please help me.



    Artem Temos


    Obviously I have checked this and even sent you a screenshot that clearly shows that the file is missed. Currently, we can’t open the provided link to check it again.

    Kind Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    And “OBVIOUSLY” I tested what you said and it failed. I deleted the file and reuploaded it and didn’t work. I also completely uninstalled the plugin and it didn’t work neither.

    Why do you ignore my case like this ? I pay for this support. You must look into my case when I make one, and this is a blocking case. I’m not happy that you ignore my case like this.

    I said in the private section of the initial post that you must “please connect to my live site as admin first” https://www.gevcen.be/admin-login and then go to this staging by going in the plugin “Staging > Staging 3”

    Please fix this. It becomes urgent.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    What’s the update? Focus on my case please!


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Correction : Staging 4
    where the issue appears even when all plugins, customizations remove
    and file reuploaded or reinstalled!

    PLEASE FIX THIS !! It’s been a 5 days I’m blocked !!!!!!! this button “custom css” is still not working !!!!!!! Just fix this

    Plugin is provided by your theme, YOU must fix this


    Artem Temos

    We will report this issue to WPBakery developers and hope that they will fix in their future updates.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    NO WAY ! How do you dare to leave me like this as if you just don’t give a shit. Do you know what it is to be completely blocked from working for about a week? Your response is NOT accepted and you must investigate on this issue with the HIGHEST PRIORITY with all you developers if it needs so to fix my problem. You provide this plugin with your theme and, as stated by WPBakery themselves on their website, you are primarily responsible for the support of my problems. I request the escalation of my ticket with urgency to be fixed ASAP.

    On top of that, I demand that you urgently find me the previous version of WPBakery. Those issues never happened to me before the last release that you deployed with your theme. This is totally unacceptable. You must find me ASAP this previous version to allow me working. Do not even try to answer me that you won’t do it. You WILL do it because I pay for this support. I pay for this service. I do not allow you to refuse treating my requests. You get me this previous version of WPBakery URGENTLY.



    Artem Temos

    Unfortunately, we are not able to investigate the issue inside the plugin’s code. The problem is that the error comes from the minified version of the WPBakery JS file. We have reported this issue to WPBakery. You can use our custom CSS field and class to body .page-{pageid}.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    I demand that you urgently find me the previous version of WPBakery. Those issues never happened to me before the last release that you deployed with your theme. You must find me ASAP this previous version to allow me working. You SHALL do it because I pay for this support. I pay for this service.


    Artem Temos

    OK, we will request a previous version of the plugin in WPBakery team. As I said, we don’t store the previous version of the plugin. Moreover, why you can’t work if you still can use custom CSS from the theme?


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    What’s the update on this? You said you would report the bug to WPBakery team and ask for a fix. What did they say? The issue keeps occuring on my site.


    Artem Temos

    They said that they will review and fix the issue but still no news from them.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Can you please follow-up and request an update from them?


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Still waiting for an answer here


    Artem Temos

    They don’t have any estimation time for the update. They just noted this bug report without any extra information.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    It’s working again now. Please close this ticket, thanks

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