Hi, we are using yith wishlist premium on our site. when we enable the “Enable multi-wishlist support for logged in users” feature in plugin settings, wishlist popup on page not opens and nothing happens. this problem not happens on default wordpress theme and seems to having problem in template or other plugin has conflict.
please us to resolve this problem.
thanks for reply,
I disabled all plugin except yith wishlist premium.
in this address if you click on wishlist icon, the spinner showing and no popup opens. The html code in my browser for the button is `
<a href=”#add_to_wishlist_popup_5509_35717792″ rel=”nofollow” class=”add_to_wishlist open-pretty-photo” data-rel=”prettyPhoto[add_to_wishlist_5509_35717792]”>افزودن به لیست دلخواه</a>`.
if I switch to default wordpress theme like “Twenty Seventeen”, popup opens and I can see my wishlist to select them.