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Yotpo not working

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  • #634338


    I have a problem making the reviews of the Yotpo plugin appear, this is a plugin that is installed and automatically displays the customer reviews on the product page.

    I installed the plugin, which should make them appear, currently I use the ‘Layouts’ function of the theme to show the single product template. And it did NOT work, in the same way if I activate an Elementor Template it does not work either.

    I did something that the plugin mentions on its support page, which is to add some codes in function.php, and it worked momentarily, they appeared creating some shortcodes. But when I wanted to edit the page again, ‘fatal error’ came up.

    I proceeded to not activate any single product templates. and to my surprise it worked. Without adding any extra code. So I don’t know what could be happening.

    It works with the theme YES, but deactivating the Single Product Templates. Leaving only the default one from woocommerce I suppose.

    I also tried with other basic themes and it also works. So it must be something with the Layouts and Elementor.

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by viz.design.

    Artem Temos


    It looks like the plugin adds its custom content using the standard WooCommerce hook. When you create a custom layout with Elementor it doesn’t contain any default elements and hooks. It contains only those elements that you added with Elementor manually.

    We have a special “Hook” element in Elementor that you can place to your custom layout and then the plugin will be able to add its custom content there. But we don’t know which one exactly it needs. You can either try to select all hooks one by one or contact plugin developers for help.

    Read more information here https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/custom-hooks-and-plugins-compatibility/

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    It worked, but not exactly as it should.


    Artem Temos

    We recommend consulting with plugin developers on this matter. Or you need to disable the custom layout to make the plugin work as it should.



    ok, close this ticket, thanks

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